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Sunday (Ver. A)

• Rosé •

I was currently strolling around the mall. Basically I'm bored and decided on doing a little shopping, or atleast, clear my mind to continue my drafts.

My deadline was still 3 months away. It's close but I think I can finish it, well, if something eventful happened to me.

I really wanted to spend these hours with Lisa since by 10pm tonight things could change big time.

But Lisa decided to spice things up and she just literally texted me a while ago, and it said :

From : Limario my Love ❤

Rosie, I'll pick you up around 9 p.m. tonight. Wear something not so grand. Love lots ❤

It's cute and weird at the same time. We basically had an hour before talking about the serious shi- stuffs. serious stuffs.

I was turning to a certain section when I accidentally bumped into a stack of clothes making it fall to the ground.

"Shucks" I muttered under my breath as I started picking it up one by one.

"Rosie never broke the no swearing policy, huh?" A familiar voice says to me as she helps me pick up the clothes.

"I did. Sometime." I say to her coldly, looking to her eye with all the pain, hate and well underneath those two, is my love and longing for her as my friend.

"I'm still not forgiven, huh?" Jisoo sighs, before handing me the shirts.

"You are, I just wish you told me eversince" I tell her.

"I wish that too. Look Rosé, I'm really really-"

"Don't. I told you, you're forgiven. Just, invite me to the wedding, okay?" I tell her softly before offering her a hug, which she gladly accepts.

"Am I interrupting a very soft moment?" A voice says, as Jisoo untangles herself from me.

"Hey, Jennie"

"Hey, Rosé. So I guess this means I can invite you to the wedding?" Jennie says, a little nervous but she still looks confident.

"I'd gladly come, hopefully with a date"

"Oh gosh, we hope too Lisa really needs to-" Jisoo says, before Jennie elbowed her in the stomach, making the other wince in pain.

"Anyways, we gotta go. Need a few more wedding stuffs" Jennie then drags her fiance outside while I wave at them.

Weird. I thought, before continuing, whatever I wanted to do.

Well. . . I could use some food. No I'm kidding, I could use LOADS of foods.

I looked for a place that could suffice my cravings.

I found a thai place, so I enter it.

I ordered a few favorites, that Lisa and I always order when we go to one of these.

Less than twenty four hours and she's literally the one I'm craving for, and not some thai food, this just an excuse of me missing her.

Once the food is presented infront of me, I eat it, but not as jolly as I am when I eat.

Instead of sulking over missing her, I think about my work. There were only two times that I ever got to pass a draft earlier than expected, that was when I first hanged out with Lisa like just the two of us outside of the hotel, not just a small talk when we bumo into each other, and when we celebrated for her having her first place

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