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chan sat on his couch thinking "did he make the right decision?"

as he didn't want to think about it anymore and he lay down on the couch, he felt himself slowly falling asleep

the next morning when chan woke up he looked at the clock to see it was already 2pm
chan was glad that it was weekend, because he would have been screwed if he was to late for school.

as chan was just scrolling through his messages he remembered something, the boy

was the boy still asleep? could he be?
chan decided to go upstairs and take a look, but when he did he found that the boy was no longer there

he run downstairs a tiny wave of panic flowing through his body.
he searched the whole house, trying to see if the boy maybe hid somewhere, until he found a note on the refrigerator.

he took the note of the refrigerator and read it

hi stranger,
thank you for letting me stay overnight.
~ nobody

the note was really short.

chan didn't notice time passing fastly as he had been staring at the piece of paper for the past 10 minutes

he had to tell his friends what happened
he immediately went to the groupchat that he and his friends made when they first met eachother at school

groupchat: craccheads

Chan : guys, i have to tell y'all
                                 something, can y'all come

memelix: is there gonna be food?

chickenguy: felix, the only thing
you think about is food.
chickenguy: so, is there gonna be

meanhoe: yes sure, when do you
want us to come over?

                                                                Chan: now

chinbig: felix and i are on our

squirrel: minho and i too

satan's spawn: i'll be there
soon bitches

                                         Chan: oh gosh, i'm already regretting this,
see y'all soon

memelix: yEeT

                        you went offline
                      chinbig went offline
                 satan's spawn went offline
                    meanhoe went offline
                     squirrel went offline
                   chickenguy went offline

memelix: i hate y'all

                     memelix went offline

chan had been cleaning the house a bit before the boys came.
he just finished, when he heard the doorbell ring

chan sprinted over to the door and opened it, to see his 6 friends standing there.

"wait a second, let me grab my wallet, so we can get food at the store" chan said before closing the door again

chan grabbed his wallet, put on his shoes and jacket and walked back to the door.

he opened it and he and his friends started walking to convenience store together

when they arrived chan told them to pick whatever they want and that he'd payed for everything. the guys all parted there ways and started picking snacks that they wanted.

chan walked to the drinks, he wanted to get some milk, since he didn't have any at home anymore. until he spotted, a familiar person.

was it really him? the boy he had saved?
he wanted to talk to the boy but he already saw the boy walking to the cash deck.

all his friend were done with picking their foods and chan told them to wait outside.

chan walked to the cash deck and stood there bored waiting for the guy in front of him to finish paying, when he accidentally overheard their conversation.

"sorry, but do you have your ID with you? i can't give you those cigarettes otherwise" he heard the cashier say

"i forgot it, but i swear that i am 18" the boy in front of him said"

"sorry, but i really can't give you cigarettes without your ID" the man said

"ok" the boy in front of chan said, a hint of sadness in his voice

chan saw the boy pulling out a few dollars, counting it carefully. was that all the money he had?

"wait, i'll pay for my stuff and his stuff" chan said

jeongin looked at the person who spoke, only to see a familiar face, it was the guy who had saved him.


Hii, so today i had my first exams and i literally died. I dont think im gonna pass.
Anyways, here y'all go with a new chapter since I promised to updat more frequently.
I hope you enjoyed it

- lara

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