C 14: The Silent

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It had been four days since the doctor had met his demise and, four days since Deimos had seen Eos awake.

The man had warned him that the medicine he'd leave for her – to ensure that the infection stayed at bay – might just make her that little unresponsive in the days to come but, only having the chance to escape from the clutches of the rest of his life when the sun went down, all Deimos had been able to do was watch her sleep.

Which was fine. Deimos could wait for his answers.

Except, suspicions were starting to arise with each new day and, the risk of them finding her was starting to grow with it. It also wouldn't be long before he was assigned something that would take him away from here - not to mention the annual meeting that was to take place down in Phokis - and, he wasn't terrible convinced that Eos would not hatch an escape plan and, by the time he was able to return, the men stood outside the door would either be dead, or grovelling - then dead.

He guessed it would depend on how Eos was feeling that day – whether she thought that her attempt at a swift death was better than the long one he'd inflict upon them if she was to escape.

There was always the opportunity to take her with him but, the risk was too much.

In all honesty, he couldn't let her leave this room.

But, first, there was so much more that he needed to know, answers to questions he needed, not the ones he wanted. The ones he wanted weren't important and, that want was the problem he'd had before.

And, what they'd had before. It had been chaos. He knew that now. Knew that they were only worried he'd get distracted. They'd done him a favour - they'd done something he hadn't been able to do – which made the want to just finish her off even more viable – just to prove that he could.

Because... she had distracted him… she'd made him weak and, without her, he'd been able to better himself. He was stronger – he had more control, more power – he didn't need her. He never had.

But then, why did a part of him want to hold on to that chaos, wanted to know why she had not sought him out sooner if the chaos had meant something…

Except, she had, hadn't she? Only to be thwarted by the likes of Kallinos.

Kallinos, who had only grown more bitter with every year – who had continued to distance himself away from the rest of them. Deimos probably hadn't helped the situation, Kallinos had never liked him – not really and, the thought of another – who could have replaced him – was something he knew Kallinos was fond of – even if they'd all sworn to him that it wasn't the case – and then, Deimos had smashed one of Kallinos' friends head against the pyramid multiple times – in order to safe-guard the intentions of another he should have been allowed to put out of her miserable existence by now.

Maybe he'd seen it as pay-back.

Maybe Kallinos was more loyal to the cult than he'd ever thought he would be.

Which Deimos couldn't fault but, he'd had hoped that Kallinos would have been more loyal to him than he had them.

Deimos stood up. They were also starting to notice how much more irritated he'd become - he'd killed a lot of impotent men in the last few days for no real reason - other than the lack of sleep he was getting and, he needed to rest.

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