Chapter 12: Just a coincidence

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Namjoon's POV

"Guys. Since we have a few days off, shall we do something fun today? And it'll be good for Taehyung also if we can do something fun. Everyone has been so gloomy lately," I asked, while taking a bite of my pancake. "Mmmmm, Jin hyung, this pancake is so good. Whoever gets married to you will be lucky. Wish I could get someone like you..."

I looked up. Everyone was trying to hold in their laughter. Jimin burst out laughing. "Hyung, did you just admit that Jin hyung is your ideal type?" He was now out of his chair and in the floor, laughing.

Jin hyung was blushing. "Aish. I just said it, you guys," I tried to explain but they just smirked and said, "yah yah, we know."

Jungkook's POV

I was thinking about what we could do today since it was our day off. Suddenly it hit me.

"Guys, let's go to the park. You know, the one with the cool rides and all!" I asked, super excited about my idea.

I looked at Jin hyung. Since he was the eldest, we almost always ask for his approval before deciding on where to go. Thankfully, he seemed to like the idea. He nodded his head. "It'll be a nice way of relaxing for all of us. Let's go."

Just then, I remembered something. "Hyung," I said, and almost laughed when all 6 of them turned towards me. It's funny when they do that. "Do you remember that place we used to go to? The cycling place! Where they let us use bicycles for an hour or something? Let's go there. It's near the park so we can go to the park afterwards."

Everyone seemed to like the idea. Well, almost everyone. "Guys, I don't know how to ride a bicycle," Yoongi hyung complained.

"That's ok, hyung. We will teach you. If not, one of us can take you on their bicycle. No biggie."

Yoongi hyung shrugged and looked at Taehyung hyung. Why was TaeTae hyung looking at Yoongi hyung with a look of fear? Was something wrong?

Taehyung's POV

After everyone agreed to Jungkook's plan, Jin hyung went to pack some snacks. They were going to go cycling, and then have a picnic in the park. When I was sure no one was around, I went to Yoongi hyung and looked at him with fear in my eyes.

"Calm down, Tae. It's just a coincidence. Think about it. How can people see the future like that? It's just not possible. All of this was a coincidence. So just relax and enjoy the day."
And with that, Yoongi hyung went off.

Maybe he is right. Maybe this is a coincidence. But what if I can actually see the future? What if my nightmare was to become a reality? I shook my head.

"OUCHHH!!" I screamed. Damn it! I forgot my head was injured. Everyone rushed towards me.
"Taehyung what happened? Are you alright? Where does it hurt??"
I said it was nothing and that I accidentally shook my head to hard. They sighed and went back to doing their work.

No one's POV

After half an hour, everyone was at the door, ready for their day out. Everyone except Taehyung. He wasn't ready at all. He didn't want to face what could happen.

Everyone got into their van and they rode off to the cycling area. Taehyung kemp thinking about his nightmare, and surprisingly, he wasn't the only one.

Yoongi's POV

After Jungkook had declared his idea, I was taken aback. It was almost like Taehyung's nightmare was becoming a reality. And now, he couldn't help but think, What will happen when we get there?
A/n: Do you guys think the nightmare will come true? Or was it just a coincidence?
Read on to find out. And pls leave comments. I feel so motivated to write when I see nice comments.
Have fun Peanuts 💕💕

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