Nervous (One Shot from Heart & Soul Forever)

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I woke up on August 13, 2016 with no nerves, but as the day went on, the more nervous I got. I was proposing to Demi that night & I had never felt more nervous in my entire life. This is saying a lot since I have spent a lot of years in the spotlight, where nerves are a part of my life. I was trying not to let Demi see how nervous I was, but she eyed me, suspiciously a few times, throughout the day, so I knew she had an idea. I doubt she had a clue as to why I was nervous, especially since she spent an evening being mad at me for not doing anything special for our anniversary. I was glad she fell for that. I guess I was a good actor after all. Of course I had something special planned for our anniversary. It's like she didn't know me at all. I was proposing on our anniversary. If that wasn't special enough for her, she had issues.

I was sitting on my parents' back porch alone, after we had finished brunch. My mom & all the girls were having tea, in the kitchen, in between cleaning & talking. My brothers were watching tv with my dad & my grandpa Jerry. I was enjoying this tranquil moment to help calm my nerves. It wasn't really working, though. It felt like I had bats & butterflies in my stomach & they were all fighting over something. It was making it difficult to eat anything, which isn't good since I'm a diabetic.

I heard the patio door open & close, so I looked up to see Papa Jerry walking toward me, a pleasant smile on his face. He always had a smile on his face, which is one of the things everyone loves about him. He was my hero for sure & I always tried to do things in my life that would make him proud. I smiled up at him as he sat down next to me, patting my knee gently after he was seated.

"Beautiful day isn't it?" He quipped, looking out at the gorgeous skyline.

I nodded, leaning back in my chair. "Like you always say, any day above ground is a beautiful day."

Papa chuckled. "That is right." He smiled over at me, a twinkle in his eye. I knew that look. He was about to give me a pep talk. "You're nervous about tonight, aren't ya?"

I sighed, looking down at my folded hands. "Is it that obvious?"

"A little. I mean I've known you all your life & I have seen you nervous before, but I'm not sure I've ever seen you this nervous. You remind me of me when I was about to propose to your grandmother."

"I've never been this nervous in my life." I said, leaning on my knees.

I felt my grandpa's hand on my back, giving me comfort. "You know you have no reason to be nervous, right?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "And how do you know this?" I looked over my shoulder at him.

"Because that girl in there loves you. I've seen it in her eyes since she was 15 years old." Papa said with certainty.

I sat up a little to look at my grandpa sideways. "You did?" I asked, smirking & he just nodded, innocently, making me laugh. "But we're young & we're both so busy. Maybe she won't think it's a good time. And we've only been back together for a year."

Papa laughed hard. "You're 24, that's not that young. I was younger than that when I got married. And I know times have changed & I know you both are in the entertainment business, but I have seen you two together since you were kids. I've seen the chemistry or connection or whatever you kids are calling it these days between you two since the first time I saw you together. You can ask your grandmother, but I swear to you, the first night I met Demi, I told your grandmother that one day she was going to marry one of my grandsons." He chuckled.

I smiled, sitting up straight. "You thought it would be Joe, didn't you?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him as my lips twitched, trying to pretend I was hurt & not amused.

Papa laughed out loud, doubling over a little. He shook his head, vigorously. "No."

"Papa.... come on. Tell me the truth." I laughed, grabbing his arm & shaking him a little in a playful way.

He stuck his hand up to make the Boy Scout symbol. "Scout's honor. I swear. I told your grandmother I had a feeling it would be you." He took a deep breath. "I actually think you & Demi are destined to be together. I think you're soul mates & it was written in the stars. You're going to have an amazing life together like me & your grandmother have had."

I laughed, shaking my head as I looked out at the sky again. I didn't feel nervous for a moment & that amazed me. My grandpa was a hero. He knew how to make everything better. "Thanks, Papa. I am glad I have you in my corner & I'm glad I have you to get advice from. I hope I can be as insightful & wise one day."

"You already are, son. And I couldn't be prouder of the man you have become. You're going to be an amazing husband & when you become a father, you're going to be the best father ever. You boys all have an amazing man as a father who is the absolute best role model. Your kids are going to be so blessed."

"Whoah. Settle down there, Jerry. Let's not move things too quickly. I need a wife first. The kids will come much later." I chuckled.

Papa laughed, slapping my back, gently. "Jerry. It's a good name isn't it?" He cocked an eyebrow at me & I saw something in his grin.

I watched my grandpa, carefully, savoring this moment with him since I knew he wouldn't be around forever. I pressed my lips together to smile, softly & nodded. "It's a great name, actually."

He nodded, his grin getting wider. "I'm glad you think so. I hope it carries on in our family."

I put my hand on my grandpa's knee & patted it, softly. "I'm pretty sure it will." I winked at him & we both laughed, then leaned back in our chairs to enjoy this gorgeous day. I was feeling a little more confident about proposing to Demi, now. My grandpa was one of the wisest men I had ever known, so I believed what he told me. Demi & I were destined to be together. I had nothing to be worried about. I knew she was going to say yes.

Nervous (One Shot from Heart & Soul Forever Nemi Forever Series)Where stories live. Discover now