Welcome To The Lane

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In the world of the privileged; the ones who have less are worth less, and those who have more are worth more. At first glance this may seem unfair, but the things that happen when an less fortunate enters the fortunate world things worse then just a little mistreatment happen. These unfair treatments happened to the privileged world in Golden Grove, Texas.

It all started when the Young family ran into a generous amount of money and a huge house after their grandfather died. That was why they were currently standing in front of an Old Victorian Mansion that had a beautiful fountain, lawn, and guest home. That was also why each family member had their mouth a gap.

But most of all that was why six families walked out of their own mansions, across their lawns, and down the street to the Young family. This may seem nice but behind the smiles, perfect hair, and welcome baskets each family brought with them, there was an ulterior motive.

The Wood family, who just so happened to be the one of the only African American families that lived on this street, were going to see if the new family would be any competition in academics or athletics.

The White family, who has recently started to have financial issues, were going to see if the new family would be generous with their money and would help with their problems.

The Apple-White family, which was made of current and future doctors, were coming to pass out business cards.

The Smith family, who had a gun addiction, came to preach about why baring arms was okay.

The Bennett family, who where very religious, came to welcome the new family to their church.

And the Highs family, who where the richest family of them all, had came simply because if they didn't it would damage their image.

So with their ulterior motives hidden the six family introduced them selves, and the Young family invited them into their new house for some coffee. The adults went into the house and to drink coffee while bragging about their children and lives.

While the adults went in to do what their children would be doing in a few years, the offsprings of the seven families walked down the street that their neighborhood was on, and down a couple of other rich neighborhoods streets, until they reached the entryway to a freeway. When at the freeway entrance, the group of teenagers went under the bridge that connected the lower roads to the top to start talking and dig up dirt on the new kids on the block.

"So your names North Young?" Ember May Highs asked rudely, "Because if it really is I hope you have a middle name because your first one is nauseating."

Ember flipped her curly strawberry blonde hair as she waited for the girl who just ran into a good amount of money to answer.

"My name may be nauseating." North says defensively, "But last time I cheeked all of your names scream country bunkin... I mean really Ember May Highs, Cedar Lee Wood, Woody Wood, Cotton Ann Apple-White, Colton Apple-White, Brach Neal Bennett, Canyon Dale Smith, and Cole Ness Smith. Yeah all of those names are terrible. The only one of you guys that have a semi decent name is Anthony Black White." North stood up and started to walk away, but before she could leave her twin brother, West, stood up and grabbed her in a big bear hug.

As this happened the Wood siblings closed their eyes and counted to ten, the Smith siblings threatened to shoot North, the Apple-White siblings keep a calm composer even though on the inside they wanted to claw North's eyes out, Brach clenched his fist, Ember plastered a smirk on her face since she knew that North would not survive in this world, and Anthony just shrugged.

"North you can't just go around insulting people." West whispered in North's ear.

Apparently his whisper wasn't quiet enough because Canyon spoke up, "Yeah the people who live in Golden Grove pride themselves on their high class even if they are super country." Ember spits out.

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