To Party Or Not To Party

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Cedar Lee Wood has keep every medal, trophy, and award that she has received since the day she was born. And all of the many signs of her accomplishments that she has collected over the years decorated her huge room. She had her medals, plaques, and certificates on her walls and her trophies where on shelves. She even had some stuff plastered on the celling.

When people take their first glance at her room they instantly think that she is super competitive, this is only the half truth. See, the reason Cedar keep every sign if her accomplishments was simply because she was competitive, self centered, and filled with pride. And it was these three reason that Cedar refused to wear a dress that she had already wore and that wasn't custom made. This is also why she paced back in forth in her room as she waited for her personal shopper to come to her door with the dress she sent to him.

She paced for about ten more minutes before she rolled her eyes and walked into her walk in closet, which had a few trophies that Cedar wasn't proud if hidden in it. "Everything will be all right." She whispered with her eyes closed. "I will get the dress, we will make the Platinum Lane symbol, everyone will be impressed, and the world will go around."

While these thoughts where confronting secretly Cedar knew that the night wouldn't go down like that, at least not with the friends she has. But nevertheless the thoughts still made her more confront able and that allowed her to walk over to a mirror and start putting on a tad bit of makeup.

By the time Cedar was done with her make up she had her light yellow dress. And by the time she was in the dress her families maids and butlers where done with getting the house ready for the party. And by the time the servants where leaving the teenagers were arriving. And by the time all of them where in the house the music was playing and the supplies that where needed to make the symbol was ready.

Cole stared out the living room's window and looked at the houses of the teenagers that weren't offered a chance to participate in the party this year. "I feel bad for them." He spoke

It was only five words but these five words was enough for Cedar to nearly explode.

"Whoa it's not our fault that tradition call for nine teenagers and that the host family gets to invite the guest." She states, "And it's also not our fault that the host family is usually one of the six richest families on the street."

Cole rolled his eyes and pondered on arguing but he knew that nobody ever one an argument with a girl from Platinum Lane. "Yeah... Well anywho how about we get started on that symbol."

There was slight cries of argument but in the end all of the girls went to the table with the supplies and sat on one side while the boys went to the other side and sat.

The look of the opposite sex looked odd to both of the other sexes. To the boys the girls looked like a light colored rainbow with Cedar in her light yellow dress, Ember in her eggshell colored dress, Cotton in her light pink dress, and North in her pure white dress.

And to the girls the boys looked like their fathers, for they where wearing their own fathers tuxes. Which technically was tradition but it was still no doubt weird.

But both sexes dismissed the thoughts about how the others looked and went to work.

Making the symbol wasn't hard for the teenagers, all they had to do was make a rectangular object and paint it the silverish white color that platinum was. Then they just added glitter and let it dry.

"Okay well it's time for our annual game of truth or dare." Cedar announced after they set the symbol up to dry.

"Ahh... Really are we gonna play this?" North questioned rudely threw a moan.

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