Chapter 13: Second year

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"James Potter, you prat!" cried Lily. She was searching for James all over the common room. Her hair, which was her greatest pride besides her grades, was raven black- the very colour she had once stated that she would never want her hair to be. And not only was it black, but there were violet streaks in it and it was in wild tumbles down her back.

"Ah Evans, very pretty work, isn't it?"

Lily turned around, and her green eyes locked into a pair of brown ones. "You're going to pay, Potter!"

James smirked. "I thought we had a deal to play pranks on each other."

"I know, but- but-" she spluttered. "But my hair! You know it's my greatest pride besides schoolwork! Urgh! James Potter, you are the worst prat in this whole entire school!"

"Ah, Evans, don't get too overactive. After all, you did make me make the announcement about wanting to snog Kelly Midgeon in front of the whole entire school yesterday. Now that wasn't fair. Now Midgeon bats her eyelashes every single time I walk past her. It's disgusting." He made a face.

Lily giggled. "Well, it was amusing."

"And so is your hair."

She glared at him, and then sighed. "Oh... I get what you mean. I suppose I shouldn't be too mad."

"Lily!" Arabella, Jennifer and Violet were all running towards her, but stopped dead on their tracks when they saw her hair.

"What happened to your hair Lils?" gasped Violet, her eyes widening.

Lily pointed one accusing finger to James and rasped, "Potter."

Arabella grinned. "James, you're a genius. This here- it's a piece of art."

James bowed low. "Thank you, thank you."

Lily's mouth dropped. "You're supposed to be supportive, Bella!" she whined.

"Oh I am. Would it make you feel better to say that it clashes horribly with your complection?"


"It doesn't look too bad," Supplied Jennifer hopefully. "It looks kind of nice... black hair isn't too bad."

"Especially since I have it," added James.

"Which is a better reason why I hate it," snapped lily. Then she glanced at her watch and jumped. "Shoot! There are twenty minutes until Potions!" All of them looked at each other and dashed out of the portrait hole.

"Be careful next time!" called the Fat Lady irritably as they dashed down to the dungeons. "I'm not a block of wood, you know!"

"Sorry Professor," panted Lily, as they arrived three minutes later into the Potions classroom. "We were running a little late and-" she stopped and her eyes widened. Standing in front of the class was not Hurst, but Dumbledore. The girls and James all gasped, and stood by the door shocked.

Professor Dumbledore smiled. "Understandable, Ms. Evans. Ah, yes you are probably wondering where Professor Hurst is. Well, he's feeling a bit ill right now with the common cold, and is resting in bed. So I have decided to take over his class. Now, please take your seats. I was just about to begin class anyway." His blue eyes twinkled.

They all sat down, and Lily blurted, "What about our punishment?"

Dumbledore blinked and frowned at her. "Excuse me, Ms. Evans?"

"Professor Hurst always takes points from Gryffindor when someone is late." she replied, ignoring the incredulous looks she was getting from her fellow Gryffindors.

James and Lily Potter: Second yearWhere stories live. Discover now