Chapter 20: summer of second year

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"I-I don't know if I can," stuttered Lily. Her large green eyes started to fill with tears.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm not going to let anything happen to you," said James softly. "Now come up here with me and we'll fly down together."

Lily bravely swung her legs over James' broom, grabbed her own broom, and they took off until they reached the ground.

"James...thanks," mumbled Lily, embarrassed, as she got off his broom. "I guess I'm not a great flyer like you are, though I kind of wish I was."

"It's my fault, Lil, I persuaded you to come fly with me. Forgive?"


"So are we friends?"

"In your dreams, Potter."

"I thought you'd say that."

"So why'd you ask me?"

"I—don't know."

Lily snorted.

When they got back inside, the rest of the friends were playing either chess or Exploding Snap. Jennifer's face was downcast as Remus beat her at chess for the fourth time in a row.

"Remie, can you just let me win for once?"

"Of course not," said Remus practically. "That would be cheating. Now that you've lost so many times to the champion, you learn something every time you lose. That's how you improve."

"You sound just like Professor Wickham," muttered Jennifer.

"Do I?" asked Remus delightedly.

"Now I know why you're the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor later on, Remus," said James, chuckling.

"I wonder who I'll favor," said Remus thoughtfully.

"The Gryffindors of course!" cried Sirius, his head peeking from behind an armchair. "Knowing Remus, though, he'll probably be nice to the Slytherins, too."

"Well..." began Remus.

"So you will?" asked Lily incredulously.


"Of course he will; that's Remus for you," said Jennifer, interrupting Remus.

"What she said," finished Remus, smiling gratefully at his girlfriend.

Lily and James both groaned at the same time.

"I hate this love junk," said James grumpily.

"Tell me about it," muttered Lily.

"Why? You guys kiss all the time," stated Jennifer, grinning.

"Do not," they both muttered.

"Do too," chirped Remus.

"Remus, you're supposed to be sensible," chided Lily. "Or—at least you were for a few months last year. Until you were together with Jen; I think she was the one who corrupted you."

"Hey!" cried Jennifer, pouting. Lily laughed.

They were interrupted by the sound of giggling and groaning. As they turned around, Arabella and Sirius were lying together on the couch, and apparently Sirius had started to tickle her.

"How inappropriate," muttered Remus.

"Surely you don't think so, Remie," said Jennifer, smiling. She cuddled up near Remus, and kissed him.

"Ugh," commented Lily, disgusted. Jennifer pulled away and grinned at Lily.

"Come on, Lils, make up with James and be friends. Then you guys will be snogging even worse than Sirius and Bella."

James and Lily Potter: Second yearWhere stories live. Discover now