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Later on that night....
You were out of your job late due to cleaning but walking home Mr North (Rowan) was following only for the good reasons they say

On your way home,your eyelids are getting heavy as you yawn but when you open your eyes you are greeted by a Beautiful Victorian Lady Ghost, You jumped back in shock terrified of what to come. The Ghost inches closer to you, no breath left the woman's lungs. Rowan was looking at the ghost Clenching his fist ready to scare the ghost away from Y/N. He enjoyed the idea of being her hero to be honest

The ghost was almost threatening to Petrify the young Y/N as the ghost screamed Rowan Threw himself in front of You stopping the ghost and watched it disappear, Rowan spun around and placed his hands on you inner bicep and tricep letting your hands fall from your eyes
"Are you okay Y/N?" Rowan asks in a concern tone, your eyes meet his for a second as you Nod
"I'm fine Thanks to you" you say thanking Rowan
"Well I want about to let my new assistant Die from a ghost am I?" He asks jokingly,he crouches to meet your eyes on you drooped head

He walks you to your flat but you were only interested in why he saved you oh well guess you won't know....

For now.....

Rowan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now