Rising with the golden orb, I paced around the front room attempting to recall what I could have possibly forgotten. As my last few moments at home approached, I repacked my bag for the final time to check I still have everything I need for this journey. Staring back at me from atop the shallow pile, my family. Would they miss me while I was gone? Or even reminisce about our favourite past times? Unsure of when we would next be reunited, I said goodbye to the silent house I left behind as I set out on my final indulging adventure of the month.
Time passed as quickly as the trees flung by on a country road. Without even a second thought or a minute to reconsider, I clambered in. surrounded by the familiar controls, I took my personal reserved seat at the front of the now historic cockpit. Before I knew it, i had already begun my advance in to the air. All former familiarity had drifted away with the land, now it was just me and the sky. The sky, a place where I would have normally felt free, but that day, I could almost feel the persistent lack of cooperation with the controls. With that, the panic I had anticipated to occur closer to the landing in the way I was always told it would, set in. suddenly, all logic or even previous knowledge had disappeared. I had to fight a battle. I was no longer me and the sky, but rather me against the sky. I had no control at all, not over my thoughts let alone my actions. Nothing I could have done could have spared me from the powerful incantations in my head. Nothing remained but to do as I had always been told. That's what I did. I did only as I had been told, never even questioning if they were right or not.
Having followed the orders my commander had given me before I had ventured to this place, I continued on. Looking below, I started to see the silhouette outline of a town in the distance. Buildings stretched their arms high to give me a pat on the back, similar to my daughter after I had completed the marathon. With every minute, my sight developed as the town grew closer. What had once seemed like only a spot, morphed into a young, innocent child.
As the last few seconds of my adventure dawned, I focused on what I had to do, the particular way I had to land in order to achieve my objective. The sole thing that kept me going was knowing that I had to do this for my family. I was a husband, father, brother and the only provider in the family. It was my responsibility. For them to survive, I had to land. With that, I began my descent, a one way journey in to history.