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Sicheng was awoken by the gentle shaking of his body and a quiet voice isolating every other sound around him.

"Sicheng, the flight was called."

He opened his eyes to see Yuta, crouching directly in front of him. He was taken aback, surprised at the sudden wake-up call. Sitting up, he regained his items as he shuffled to stand. They walked together to the gate, stopping in line to get their tickets checked. While waiting, it had just occurred to Sicheng: He was laying down when he woke up, but he didn't fall asleep that way.

Checking the time, he saw that it read 4:04am.

Did he really stay up all night?

Sicheng watched as Yuta's ticket got checked in front of him. When he stepped up for his turn in line, he noticed that Yuta had not yet stepped onto the walkway, and was instead waiting for him. He caught up once the employee was finished and they walked onto the plane together.

Upon entering the plane, the two searched for their seats. Sicheng's was towards the middle, while Yuta's was towards the back. Sicheng took the window seat as he was the first of his pair to arrive. Soon, an older woman sat down next to him. He didn't say anything to her, but rather observed as she called to her husband at the back of the plane. When he finally turned around to look, he, sure enough, saw the woman's husband in the seat next to Yuta. It was almost laughable.

He sat back down in his own spot, watching as the woman turned forward sadly, most likely from being separated. He mostly ignored it, getting out his water bottle from his bag to drink out of. Then suddenly, a few minutes before the plane was about to take off, Yuta appeared in the aisle. He lowered himself so he was at eye level with the woman.

"Hello ma'am, I noticed your husband was sitting with me. I was wondering if you'd like to take my seat so you can be with him?" Mid-sentence, Yuta looked up and froze when he saw Sicheng. It showed him that he wasn't just doing this to sit with him, but rather, that he would've done it anyways.

He was a nice person.

"Oh yes, of course, bless you honey!" The woman gathered her things with the help of Yuta, who set his things down on the floor in front of his new seat.

Sicheng glanced at him, his mouth curving into a slight awkward smile as Yuta sat down. He plugged in his earbuds as to avoid the awkward situation.

The flight was around five hours long. The two had been ignoring each other for almost an hour, and it was driving Sicheng crazy. He craved attention, no matter who it was from. That was the difficulty in being an insignificant member of a large, chaotic friend group. Hoping to get what he shyly craved from the boy next to him, he adjusted his sitting position and took out his device from the bag at his feet.

On it, he connected the earbuds and began watching an American TV series on Netflix called The Office. The iPad was large and had an attracting screen, which was used to his advantage. Yuta, surely enough, stopped what he was doing and leaned over Sicheng's shoulder to watch it with him. Sicheng shivered as Yuta was so close, he could feel the breath on the back of his neck.

He bashfully pulled out an earbud and gave it to Yuta, who gladly took it. They watched only two more episodes, which took up another good 45 minutes. Eventually, the battery got too low so Sicheng was forced to turn it off and go back to listening to his music. He opened up the sun shade, finally looking out the window for the first time. It was a bad move on his part, as he had severe anxiety, especially associated with heights. He saw the ocean through the thick clouds below, imagining something going horribly wrong and everyone aboard the plane suddenly plummeting to their tragic death.

His breath hitched before speeding up. Small tears glistened and littered his under eyelids. But despite this, he couldn't avert his gaze from the window. He can't let anyone know he's having a panic attack on a plane.

His grip tightened on the edge of the shared armrest. It made a slight, leathery squeaking sound catching the attention of Yuta. He noticed the alarming rising and falling of Sicheng chest, and grabbed his shoulder in an attempt to turn him around. Sicheng, however, stiffened his body and refused to move. He tried again with more force this time, finally succeeding.

Yuta was taken aback seeing the boy's puffy red eyes and sweater paws covering the lower half of his face. Sicheng couldn't take the embarrassment. He turned back around, rushing to shut the sunshade so he could sulk in peace. He felt a warmth on his back, a hand brushing up and down soothingly. All of a sudden, he was feeling oddly comforted in the situation, and he allowed his breathing to slow back to normal after a while.

Wiping his eyes and turning around slowly, Sicheng noticed the hand was no longer in motion. There, he saw Yuta in his seat, sleeping soundly with his head thrown back.

You'll strain your neck like that, stupid.

And so, after some contemplation, he took his head carefully in his hands and set it on his shoulder. Regardless of how uncomfortable it was, he would let it happen. After all, Yuta has stayed up all night for Sicheng. He was bound to be exhausted. Then, for the next few hours of the flight, Sicheng would continue to blast the music in his ears with a man's head on his shoulder, hardly paying attention as time went on.



anyways sorry this chapter came out so unneccesarily late. I had this huge essay to finish that I only wrote a few pages of so I was working on that for a good while.

I remembered my one year anniversary on Wattpad was yesterday so I'd like to know what story I should post bonus chapters on! I could always all of them, but know that they would be delayed a few days since I take forever to write. My only condition is that I won't do a bonus chapter for this story until I'm completely finished with it because otherwise, it throws the entire thing off. So yeah, vote for the story! (Leave your vote for ONE of the following options):

Colorless (Luwoo)

Loose (Luwoo: Colorless sequel)


Have a nice day! I hope you enjoyed this chapter loves!💋💋💋

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