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At some point during the flight, Yuta had woken back up, but didn't comment about his position for whatever reason. While he was asleep, Sicheng had had yet another panic attack inflicted by the plane. But he didn't say anything to Yuta.

It was times like this when he wished he had brought his medication with him, but of course he was forgetful enough to leave it back home in Korea. On the bright side, that's where he was heading anyways.

It was around nine when the flight finally landed. The boys got up and stretched before retrieving their small bags and retreating off the plane. At the Seoul Airport, Sicheng waited for his bag on the conveyor belt. Surely enough, he saw his light purple suitcase towards the end of the line, so he rushed to get it. He didn't have a name tag or any indication of ownership, but he seemed to be the only one with that suitcase so he assumed it was his.

After, he immediately searched for his friends, which took quite a while. He had texted them earlier and was sure they'd be here by now. He wandered into a built-in café curiously, stumbling upon Johnny, Taeyong, Ten, Donghyuck, and Jisung, all gathered around a circular table.

They exchanged hugs and greetings. Sicheng was very glad to see them, but more so, to be at 'home.'

Once they gathered Sicheng and their drinks, the huddle scurried out of the airport safely and managed to squeeze themselves into Johnny's Toyota. Not-so-silently riding back, Sicheng was left to his own thoughts when it had suddenly occurred to him.


He had completely forgotten about the guy he just spent his past 14 hours and New Years' with. Furthermore, he had no form of communication with him. Shame, he had grown very fond of Yuta. He was godly handsome and was very kind to Sicheng the entire time. Even as strangers, they had even gotten a little physically intimate.

He sighed and adjusted his glasses again, waiting for the car ride to finally be over.

Once everyone was settled at Johnny's apartment, they flooded the room with questions.

"Why was the flight delayed so long?"

"Did you sleep?"

"How was China?"

"One question at a time, please." said Sicheng. "Listen, I have no idea why we were delayed but it actually wasn't that bad. Someone-" He caught himself, a slight blush creeping up his face for a reason unbeknownst to himself, "S-someone waited with me."

"Ooh!" Johnny raved.

Jisung crossed his legs. "It must've been a pretty girl."

"Oh, come on, we know him better than that. It had to have been a pretty guy." Donghyuck smirked.

Sicheng turned a darker shade of pink and looked down at his feet. Never in his life could he be ashamed for his preferences, but he felt it was more embarrassing that his friends already knew.

The room was filled with shouts and whistles for their friend. They begged him to tell them the story; they even bribed him with food. But the thing that finally got him to spill was when they threatened to call Kun. He coughed up afterwards.

"This lady pushed me out of my seat and he helped me up. We talked for a while and I fell asleep. I don't know exactly what happened, but I think he stayed up to make sure we didn't get mugged or something cause he fell asleep on the plane."

"You guys even sat together?" asked Taeyong.

Sicheng choked. "I-I mean, it wasn't intentional. We accidentally split up this couple so he offered to switch and..."

Donghyuck patted him on the back, a little bit harder than he probably should've as his friend was very fragile. "Geez, don't replace us with a guy you met at the airport."

He gave a nervous, fake laugh. Why was he nervous? He couldn't answer it himself. It could've very well been the pressure of his friends, who always made it known that he is twenty-one and in desperate need of a lover. He didn't want one, he'd tell them. Really, he had no opinion on the matter. The only thing tripping him up now was Donghyuck's suggestive remarks.

"What's his name?" Ten leaned forward and rested his forearms on his thighs.

"He said 'Yuta.'"

Ten was a bit exasperated, but tried not to show it. "What did he look like?"

Sicheng had to think of a good way to word this. "Sharp features. Asian but foreign. There's no way he's Chinese or Korean."

The Thai boy sat back, nodding to himself. Of course, Sicheng found the behavior a bit strange, especially for his usually-hyperactive friend. But in the midst of being back home and with his friends, he disregarded it altogether.

Taeyong pre-cooked excellent food for the bunch, which they all enjoyed over intimate discussion about mainly Sicheng and the 'mystery boy.' After finishing up, they decided it was time to give him his belated Christmas presents. He received a gray turtleneck sweater from Johnny, hair dye from Ten, a completed photo album from Donghyuck, a brand new camera from Taeyong, and nothing from Jisung as he was too broke to buy anything.

Sicheng happily thanked everyone and asked if they all liked their gifts which he had given to them before he left for China. They all nodded and were evidently thankful to him as well.

After that, he was driven to his apartment by Johnny, who was there to help him settle in. Sicheng had flung his suitcase onto his bed and opened it, ready to unpack it. But, as he noticed almost right when the top was removed, the suitcase was not his. He gasped, catching the attention of Johnny. It was mostly filled with dark clothes, all almost two sizes up from him. It was a man's, judging from the undergarments. He rummaged through and finally checked the tag on one of the shirts, eyes widening at the name.

Nakamoto Yuta.


Thank you for reading today's chapter! This surprisingly wasn't as hard to write as I thought it would be.

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Colorless (Luwoo)

Loose (Colorless sequel)


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a wonderful day! Ily💗😤💕💓💋❤️🤧😘😍

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