2.9 // instagram dms - grayson

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meredithmickelson -
hey gray, long time no talk. just wanted to see how you were!♥️
sent at 7:41 pm

graysondolan -
hey meredith, I'm doing great. how have you been lately?

meredithmickelson -
I'm doing great as well, I know we haven't talked in awhile and I just felt like wanting to re-light old relationships that I enjoyed having, you know?

graysondolan - yeah, I know exactly what you're saying! I miss hanging out with all of you guys like we used to, I was surprised you commented on my photo.

meredithmickelson -
oh I meant you and I just hanging out, not all of us. I miss us connecting and our chemistry, it was amazing! 💓

graysondolan - uh yeah, we were good friends! loved being friends with you.

meredithmickelson -
okay great, so we're on the same page! how bout grabbing coffee tomorrow at alfred's?

graysondolan -
I actually can't do tomorrow, I'm spending the day with my girlfriend, madison. we have a lot planned for the week, we'll hang out soon!

meredithmickelson -
oh yeah kinda forgot about her, weird to now think you have girlfriend even with how we acted with each other you know?

graysondolan -
meredith, we went out on one date. we are truly just friends and I hope you know that. please don't take this in the wrong way.
sent at 8:20 pm

read by meredithmickelson at 8:23 pm

grayson sighed, confused at what just happened and why it happened. and just what madison is going to do about it.

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