3.0 // twitter - madison and grayson

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madison () @madisonbeer
keep your eyes to yourself, not someone else's man.
500 comments , 3,628 retweet's, 11,397 likes

ally @dolanstan
replying to @madisonbeer
subtweet to u know who 👀

gabby @imaginemads
replying to @madisonbeer
always speaking mad facts 🙌🏾

gia @mrs.gilinsky
replying to @madisonbeer
ru sub tweeting ur self hoe??

j&j @jackandjackkkk
replying to @madisonbeer @mrs.gilinsky truth!!

hailey () @haileybieber
replying to @madisonbeer
sometimes I just don't understand how people have no morals for anything.

ashley @madsbeerrr
replying to @madisonbeer
@@@ meredith 💀💀☕️☕️

grayson () @graysondolan
I'm in love with one girl and one girl only.
782 comments , 4,207 retweets , 14,302 likes

zoe @zoeydolan
replying to @graysondolan
madison beer, madison beer, madison beer

adrianna @livincolor
replying to @graysondolan
i adore this ♥️

carla @ashepleases
replying to @graysondolan
how every man and woman should think

ethan @ethandolan
replying to @graysondolan
omfg such a cute tweet awww

madison () @madisonbeer
replying to @graysondolan
u my baby♥️

tayyy @imaginedolans
replying to @graysondolan
@meredithmickelson take a hint hun!!🙄 grayson doesn't want ur fake ass

hi btw I actually really like meredith and I don't intend to make her out to be a bad person. I just know her and grayson had a past tg in real life and I just needed someone to put in these chapters.
that's all I wanted to say, alright luv yuh's.

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