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Why did...

Why did he... send me here?

Why did he... why, why, why, WHY!'

Ever since I was abandoned here everything has been nothing but torture. All I was doing was trying to survive in a world that has never shown me kindness. Then he just had to take me and sent me to this nightmare of a place. But, then again fate has never been kind to me, and ever since I came here sometimes I feel like... I'm being watched...

I've also been having dreams or nightmares of someone in a mask, and after I wake up I always have an urge to find them. After having that same dream six time in a row, I've had enough.

'Well I've been sitting around for long enough, I can't spend the rest of my life doing nothing.'

I climbed out of the small nest that I made for myself. Stalking through the darkness, all the while hearing something scurrying around making a sound similar to mumbled clicks.

Walking almost blindly, I ran into a burned-out lantern. Groaning from the sudden headache. After the throbbing finally stopped, I remembered that I had an ability to make sparks or hold my fire in my mouth so I can see where I'm going when it's dark.

'How on earth could I forget that?'

Growling at my stupidity, I then light the lantern. Now that there's light I can see a latch pulling it open. I see a small tunnel, as I crawl inside warily I can feel my wings pressed against the cold, confined space. Lighting my fire again while traversing through the tunnel, and nearly falling flat on my face when I reached the end of it. Stumbling out, I start toward a large flight of stairs. I walk up it carefully, not wanting to fall. As I look around at my surroundings, I see humongous chains and for some strange reason I can smell...

'Saltwater, why didn't I smell this before?'

Frowning in confusion, I continue on. Reaching the end, I leap onto the platform. As I land, I slip on the floor causing me to fall onto my side and to also slam my head into a nearby metal box.

'Why does fate have to hate me?'

I question myself, as I try to get back up without falling down again. I slipped again but this time I catch myself, and throw myself forward onto more dry flooring. My claws hook onto the graded floor and fabric that's scattered around. Sparking my light again I can see a boarded up door with a gap about my size and a path off to the left. I inch down the passage to the left, lingering close to the wall when a shadowing figure appears before me. Startled I scrambled back down, and dash through the gap, scratching my wing membrane in the process.

I hear the cricking of the floorboards as I dart to the other side of the room. I almost reach the middle of the when the light that's shining into the room disappears. I freeze on instinct, I stare toward where the light has originally coming from, to see a large metal door with a small round window. Looking through the window was a gray mass, and as soon as it was there, it was gone.

"What. Was. That."

After a few minutes, I allow myself to relax. Surveying my surroundings I see two chairs dangling from the ceiling, a couch, a few boxes, and a bedframe with a mattress near, a metal window? I crawl under the bed, and curl up.

"What is this place?"


This is a story that I've had in my head for a while now, and I will be continuing it later.

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