Chapter 1

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The obnoxious ringing of my alarm clock sounds and I groan as I turn it off. My eyes flutter open to the sunlight pouring through my bedroom window.
"Josephine, we will be leaving in about two hours, make sure you are ready by 9AM." My mother demands, standing at the doorway with her makeup and hair done perfect. She is wearing a brown pencil skirt and a white button-up shirt. Never anything less than perfect. When I hear her heading back downstairs, I peel the covers off me and walk to the window.

When I first knew I wanted to attend New York University, college seemed so distant, so foreign. I was only fourteen and now I am nineteen, standing in this bedroom for the last time. Moving from Sydney, Australia to the United States is becoming more frightening as each second passes but I allow the warmth of the sun and the cheerful, bright people walking past to calm me down. I've had my entire future mapped out for years and now it is finally beginning. The first move, college.

I decide to take a hot shower to soothe my nerves and wash away my worries. I blow dry and brush my hair as soon as I turn the water off and I pull it back into a ponytail. I brush my teeth and put on a loose-fitting white t-shirt and denim jeans. Once my white shoes are on and I've swiped a thin layer of mascara over my eyelashes, completed with lip gloss, I go downstairs to meet my mum in the living room, frantically repositioning pillows and wiping dust off the lamps. Cleaning is what she does when she is nervous or anxious, I have picked up the habit as well.
"Come have breakfast, Evelyn should be here soon." My mum tells me, guiding me into the kitchen.
"She prefers Evie, mum." I correct her and she rolls her eyes. She thinks it's disrespectful for her to call my friend by a nickname.

I listen to my mum open the door and greet my best friend as I wash up my bowl that was full of scrambled eggs.
"Josephine, I can't believe you're leaving today!" Evie exclaims, pulling me into a tight hug. She pushes up her black-rimmed glasses from the bridge of her nose and tucks a strand of her light-brown hair behind her ear. Evie has been my best friend since I was around six years old, my only friend, really. She's a perfect A-grade student, just like me, and she will be attending NYU with me next year. It's still very frustrating that she's a year younger than me, it always has been.
"I am going to miss you so much." I tell her, sitting down on the stool next to the kitchen counter. She sits on the stool next to me.
"It's okay. We will text and call all the time." She assures me as I look away and smile, nervously. I love familiarity and I passionately dislike change so moving across the world is a major step out of my comfort zone. Not having Evie around to constantly support me will be challenging.

"Alright, girls. Now that Evelyn is here, we should start driving to the airport." My mum announces, stepping into the kitchen. We both nod as I rush up to grab my bags and suitcases.
"Do you need a hand?" Evie asks, standing at the doorway of my small bedroom.
"Yes please." I groan and she laughs, picking up a suitcase and one of my carry-on bags. I look around my bedroom one last time before I turn the light off and shut the door. My wooden desk against the wall on the left is tidy, books and old perfumes neatly organised. The large window against the back wall has been covered by the white curtains and the bed against the back wall on the right side of my bedroom is made. I make my way back downstairs and into the car. As we drive, I can't help debating with myself whether I'm more excited or more nervous for this move.

We arrive at the airport at 10AM, my flight doesn't come for another two hours but my mum insists that I leave them now so I have time and I'm not in a rush.
"Be good, look presentable and always remember how hard you've worked to get to this. Don't be quick to throw it all away with one bad decision." My mum lectures me before giving me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek and stepping back to allow Evie to say her goodbyes.
"I'm always here for you and if anything's wrong, don't hesitate to call me. You'll do great, don't underestimate yourself." Evie tells me and I hug her, pulling her close to me.

At 12PM, I am boarding the plane to New York and I cannot be more thrilled. My mind is racing and I want to jump and squeal in excitement. I am a college student, attending school at NYU. NYU! It feels like a dream. Five years ago, that was all it was, a dream, and now it is my reality. Hard work pays off. I sit down in my seat, against the window, and I pull out my earphones and book, Pride and Prejudice.
"Hey." A voice says, interrupting me from my reading. I look up and take the earphone out my ear, there is a brown-haired boy who looks to be around my age.
"Hi." I reply as he smiles, warmly, and sits down next to me. I look around the plane, it seems quite empty so he must have the same idea as me, to get here early just in case. "Where are all the people?" I ask him.
"Probably stressing out about missing their flight." He laughs and I join him. His accent is very Australian and is quite deep. "Going to New York for a holiday?" He asks me and I shake my head.
"I'm attending New York University. I'll be there for the next four years." I inform him, dropping his jaw and raising his eyebrows.
"Really? I'm going to NYU as well!" He exclaims, smiling, and I smile back. If I can befriend this guy, maybe settling into NYU won't be as bad as I expect.
"What's your name?" He asks me.
"Josephine," I reply, "And you?"
"Benjamin but you can call me Ben." He tells me and I nod, shutting my book and putting it back into my bag. I intend to get to know this friendly stranger if it means I will have a friend at NYU already.
"What are you reading?" He asks, trying to peek over at my book while I put it in my bag.
"Pride and prejudice," I tell him, "For the eight hundredth time." He chuckles.
"I love that book, one of my favourites." He tells me and I can't help but grin. Pride and Prejudice is my favourite book of all time.
"Me too!" I exclaim.
"What's your major?" He asks.
"English." His jaw drops again and he raises his eyebrows.
"Same! Wow, this keeps getting better." He chuckles and I laugh. It is weirdly coincidental but I am so thankful that I have met him. After more talking and a couple naps, the plane lands and I am taking a taxi with Ben to the NYU campus.

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