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               "WHAT THE HELL, literally. How did I even lose against you?" Jimin exclaimed as Yoongi overpowered him at their arm wrestling. The sun's gleam shone by the younger's cheek, the other five grinning over the entertainment consuming their time in front of them.

               Yoongi clicked his tongue as he tapped his left arm's muscle, "Now that's what you call victory! So, who's next?" He arrogantly asked, now cracking his fingers and stretching his neck.

               A slurp from an empty milk box echoed around the area, "I'm in, I'm next," Jeongguk volunteered, making Yoongi slump as he earned a teasing laugh from Namjoon.

               "No way. There's no way I can win." Yoongi mumbled, cueing Jeongguk's pout from his brother's sudden act of defeat. The scene together with the seven of them made Seokjin smile. It was a beautiful sight of grinning faces, as if there was nothing to worry about. As if everyone disregarded their tears with something better: happiness. As if it meant like it'll be the last time they'll ever be.

               His hand searched for his pocket-sized polaroid from his pants, capturing smile after smile that he'd always treasured. The thought of losing them suddenly entered his mind, until an arm hung upon around his shoulders, a figure shadowing through the sun.

               "You've been taking a lot of pictures this past few months. What's that for?" Hoseok's voice was filled with wonder and endearment, realizing how good the scenery may be, Seokjin's camera would still be filled with their smiles and laughs.

               "Memories," Seokjin smiled as his hand reached for Hoseok's hair, ruffling it. They both noticed how the games died down, the seven pairs of eyes gazing the setting sun. The place they were in was an abandoned, empty pool that no one had seemed to remember. The tall walls of the pool gave the seven of them some sense of comfort. Seokjin started to wonder whether the comfort was from the place, or from each other.

               He took a glance at Taehyung who's seemingly playing with a seashell Seokjin himself once gave him by the shore. A thought entered his mind, groaning as he stood up. "Boys, hop in the car. We're going somewhere."

               "Where?" Taehyung wondered, juggling the shell's round figure.

               Seokjin winked. "Sea."

               Jeongguk's gaze lingered at Taehyung as the sea waves started to echo its clashes towards the shore. The elder had been unusually quiet, and the younger thinks he knows the reason why.

               "Has the realization ever struck you, Gguk? That's you're capable of hurting someone more than you thought you could?"

               Jeongguk tried neglecting the words and the thought, yet it bothered him enough for it to stay. He cannot deny how the darkness had seemed to swallow Taehyung within ever since the news of his sister's death came two weeks ago. The others didn't seem to mind the change, or maybe they'd just given Taehyung the time he needs to grieve, but Jeongguk sensed something else. Something deeper, something darker.

               Taehyung would always avoid the sight of sharp edges, and his grip on his hem would tighten whenever he watches Seokjin by the kitchen as he worked with the knives. Jeongguk noticed, he always does. He wanted to understand why—how his grief made it seem like he sheltered himself up with his own walls, yet the darkness still had seeped through its gaps.

               Hence why Jeongguk felt relief flow through his veins as Taehyung's stiff figure relaxed by the sight of the blue sea. The seven of them sat on the damp sands, bare feet and stretched toes reaching the fizz of the small waves. 

               "Not to be that kind of person," Jimin started, throwing fists of sand to flow with the seas. "But our house was never the home. It was never our home."

               Yoongi shrugged. "It makes sense, I used to live in Daegu."

               Jimin glared with his words, earning a heap of laughter from the others. "You clearly know that's not what I meant, hyung," groaned the younger.

               The comfort of the sea breeze, the clashing of the waves, the ruffling of the sand, and the humming of their smiles were enough for them to understand what Jimin meant. 

               They were each other's home; each other's shelter. Each other's wall to lean onto, each other's roof to trust in every storm. A house of cards, fated to crumble into bits of pieces.

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