Chapter One

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Chapter One

The Ebrithian Lands

Aravoen could not help staring back at the Grendel. Its violent eyes were intent on him. The slimy blue saliva landed on his forehead. He swallowed hard knowing this might as well be his end.

Suddenly because of his ranger instincts, he heard something coming towards them. It was a faint whisper through the air. An arrow flew past his head landing into the Grendel's eye. It screamed. A loud, heart-wrenching yelp broke from between its razor sharp teeth. All birds that had perched themselves in the nearby trees, flattered away.

He knew he had a few seconds thanks to Mindacil. Stars bless the elf, Aravoen thought as he looked round for his companion. He saw Mindacil seated on his horse sheltered from the Grendel's vision, offering him the reigns of Elben. The sturdy dwarf, Slithbron, sat in front of the elf. Aravoen could not make out the expression on his face. Mindacil shook Elben's reigns to draw Aravoen's attention again. He needed no third warning. Aravoen knew that the Grendel would not scream in pain forever. He flew towards the two horses. Slithbron sat in front of Mindacil, his throwing shorthand axes ready.

The Grendel's scream died down as Aravoen jumped onto Elben. The two horses shot past the Grendel, not knowing if it had seen them. It had. The Grendel followed them savagely damaging the forest. It threw large branches at them, missing by whiskers.

"Nice going there Mindacil," Slithbron shouted above the constant snarls and growls of the beast. "You managed to anger the poor creature."

"Poor...creature?" Aravoen asked.

"Well," Mindacil said, swerving his and Slithbron's horse to the left to avoid one of the many missiles being launched at them, "Will you say that if we are all dead, starting with Aravoen?"

"Swing this bloody beast around and get me a clear shot," Slithbron ignored the elf, "Maybe I can slow him down."

"Forget that." Aravoen cried as another Grendel appeared ahead of them. The two horses stopped in their tracks, nearly slamming the helpless riders to the ground. Damn it Elben Aravoen could not help cursing.

The two mighty beasts trapped them. Aravoen put his hand to Elben's side instinctively, calming the horse. Mindacil did the same. Aravoen knew the beasts were gaining on them, trapping them and their horses could not help being frightened. The three companions looked from one beast to the other. Wondering which was gaining on them fastest.

"Gods help us," Slithbron said.

"Which gods dwarf?" Mindacil asked grabbing his sword's pommel.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a flicker of movement behind the trees. He turned to it. There stood four men. They had dark grey cloaks over their bodies and hoods covered their faces. Three of them held bows, aiming for the nearest Grendel whose eye was bleeding. The arrow stuck in its eye shone a dark red.

The fourth man beckoned the three companions to him anxiously. Aravoen urged Elben to the men. He hoped that Mindacil had seen him. He had. Aravoen could hear the elf's horse heavily breathing just behind him.

With precision, the three men released their deadly arrows into the Grendel. They whistled past Aravoen's right cheek accelerating towards the beast. As Aravoen stopped his horse right beside the fourth man wheeling it around, he saw the Grendel falter. It clutched its neck in pain. The three arrows had struck the same spot.

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