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Brooke's POV

-skipping the day where i basically get dinner-

It's the next day, I didn't manage to walk a lot in the night yesterday. So today I am doing that. I brought along the stuff I need and head out to get breakfast and I basically went to the same cafe.

I finish up my food and head out to Eiffel Tower. While I was walking towards the Eiffel Tower, pass by a garden that has a great landscape for me to take some photos.

After doing that, I continue walking to the Eiffel Tower. A group of girls were chatting behind me like as if they were finding for someone that they may have kept on looking for hours.

Daniel's POV

Today is basically our rest day. We are not going off from Paris till next week which is cool cause I can now explore this beuatiful city.

As I was walking to the Eiffel Tower, I walked pass this beautiful garden and manage to get a picture of it. Post it on my instagram story without thinking fans will be around here. I shrugged it off and continue walking to the Eiffel Tower as I see it from a distance.

Walking to the Eiffel Tower, got me stopped a few times by number of fans that wants to take photo with me or have a short chit chat with me. I don't mind because I am not rushing anyways. So I manage to fulfill some of their wants and I am more than happy to see them smiling.

Brooke's POV

Almost reaching the Eiffel Tower, I saw a vintage shop across the street that is totally out of the way to the Eiffel Towr. One wrong turn and I end up on the other street. So I make sure that I remember the way that I am supposed to go. Cross the road and enter this cute vintage shop. Browing through their stuff and one item caught my eye. A lace up chunky heel boots that is in brown color.

"combien ça coûte?[how much does this cost?]" I asked the shop owner and she politely answered "ça coûte 25 eur[it costs 25 eur]". I nod and she packed it for me. Luckily, the boots is in my size. As she gave me the bag, she smiled and I thanked her.

I went out of the shop and turn left. As I kept walking, I just realize I lost my way to the Eiffel Tower when I am walking half way to somewhere that I don't know. I quickly took out my phone and later realize that there is no service. I got panic and wanted to ask people around which unfortunately there isn't anyone.

I later on continue walking down the street to kinda find my way out and couldn't find any way out. As I was walking, there is a guy that is walking in front of me. I took this moment to speed up and catch up with him.

Daniel's POV

After I am done talking and doing the stuff I needed to with them, I continue walking to find a place to drink or grab a snack to eat. I walked down this street where there is not much of a cafe or people that are walking around here. So I continue to walk down to see if I can find a place to get to.

As I was walking, I heard footsteps that sound like they are running and trying to catch up with my pace. I ignored it even though deep down I'm kinda scared to even turn. Imagine if someone want to kill me or something. Not now, I need to explore the world first.

I continue to ignore it and I felt a tap on my shoulder. That's it I have to turn to see who is it.

"Hey umm, sorry. Do you know the way to the Eiffel Tower?" she asked politely and her gorgeous eyes are shining towards mine making me feel a little mervous.

"Oh hey, no its fine." I instantly have this nervous feeling in me knowing that she is going to the same place as me. Little did I know, she is the one that i bumped to when we were at the cafe yesterday.

"Oh, I am actually heading towards there but decide to get something to grab first. Maybe you wanna tag along?" that question make me have sparks all over my body. Why did I even do that? Knowing that I may or may not survive in that situation.

"Oh ah sure, but am I not disturbing your time here?" she asked me.  Well obviously not, walking around Paris with someone gorgeous like her. Dream come true

"Oh no you won't. Come on" she nod and follow closely beside me. Not wanting to get lost again I believe.

Brooke's POV

I quicken my pace and manage to tap his shoulder. He slowly turned towards me and this is the guy that bumped onto me. Does he even know that it's me?

I asked him if by any chance he know the way which is making me feel nervous. I waited for him to answer and the fact that he is going to the same place as me is such a coincidence.

"Oh, I am actually heading towards there but decide to get something to grab first. Maybe you wanna tag along?" he said. Making me have tons of butterflies in my stomach. I don't know why I have this feeling when I am actually asking him for directions.

"Oh ah sure, but am I not disturbing your time here?" umm excuse me Brooke? What are you doing? Did you just agree to do that? oh my god! I got even more nervous than I was before this. Even my hands are sweating. I follow him closely because i don't want to get lost again.

Cliff hanger? Oops sorry!
Hope you like it! It's kinda shitty tho.


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