A Deal

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First time writing an actual story, please point out any mistakes, enjoy.

Merlin's P.O.V

"There has to be something I can do!" I cried to Kilgharrah. "Young Merlin it is too late, Arthur's time has come,".
I broke down into tears.

"Actually," said a voice, "There is one thing,".
Kilgharrah shot an angry glare behind me.

I looked behind me to the glowing female figure in a white dress. Her dark hair fell down to the water below where she stood.
"What?!", I shouted, sounding kind of desperate but I was.
"Well, the nymphs have been dis-", she was cut off by Kilgharrah's disapproval.

"Stay out of this." He said sternly.

"Let her finish," I said with fire in my eyes.
"As I was saying," she continued "if you were to agree to a trade of souls, the king could live on."

I thought it over, I could feel Kilgharrah's eyes burning holes into the back of my head.

He deserves to rule, his whole life has lived up to this. Not to mention all the times I saved his royal behind would go to waste if he were dead. He deserves a life way more than I do.

"Yes," I mumble.
"What was that~?" She asks already knowing my answer.
"Yes!" I shout.

She smiles with the glare of a witch.
"Merlin, Arthur's fate has come, you cannot possibly change that" Kilgharrah reasons.

It didn't matter though. All she needed was confirmation and she could begin the transaction.

The last thing I remember is a great pain in my heart, a blinding light and then black.

Arthur's P.O.V

My eyelids rose as I looked at my surroundings. My chambers. I look outside and notice it's around midday. Where is that awful servant of mine?!

"MERLIN!!" I yell.

Then the memories come crashing.

Heavy breathing, golden eyes, pale skin. Merlin.
I remember now. His magic. How he saved me all those times. I remember being stabbed by Mordred. Merlin stumbling to heal me. Us close on the bank of the river. And black.

I didn't notice but I was crying. I had a headache. It was too much.

"Sire?!", It was Gwaine.

I swept the tears from my eyes. "Where's Merlin?" I choked out.
He was silent.

"Sire, he's been dead for a month"

My heart broke.


Probably bad, don't ask why a nymph wants Merlin's soul.
The next chapter will be longer, I promise.

~Your humble bumble bee.

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