itchy asshole

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pedro was promenading like a sexy mexican man, not realising the dribbling trail of horse shit behind him, he looked at the sky wondering if he'd ever find true love,, but then as if miraculously out of nowhere, he laid eyes on the most voluptuous, sexy, ripped man in his life, they made eye contact for a few seconds, his heart pounding at the sight of the mystery man. it was then pedro decided that he was going to dedicate his life to this very boy

"hey man i know we just met but like lol i have an itchy asshole, pls scratch uwu"

pedro's heart fluttered, such romantic words, such luscious locks of hair. his toes clenched at the sight in front of him, pedro couldn't take it anymore, his hooves hovered at the mans 15292629262926ajs827292727 inch dicc and they smashed uwu

pedro you horny fuck

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