"hey guys, it's been day 3 of no masturbating and i think my left (hairy) toe knuckle is trying to seduce me,,,, i don't know if i-"
"wHo ThE fUcK dIdNT fLuSh tHe tOiLeT aFte4 tHEy tOok A ShEt"
"it wasn't me,,,,,"
"wElL iT WAs fUcKing OnE oF yAz
D E S C U S T A N G "
zorno felt his asshole clench in sadness, like not as in the good clench but the sad uwu clench u feel me?¿? his hands groped the whip
and he beat the mother to death, legend says that his asshole still clenches in sadnesspress f to pay respects