iv. Tommy

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Every once a while, Tommy likes to make his little brother lunch.

He'll make Harvey a grilled cheese the way his mother used to, cut diagonally with a side of special tomato soup that would somehow make everything better. Tommy hasn't quite been able to perfect that factor of Evelyn Kinkle's tomato soup recipe but Harvey likes to make him think he's gotten pretty close. What he's not really used to is making it for more than two, as he prepares the food for Roz and Harvey. Their dad would never eat it. when Tommy made any of his mother's recipes, Mr. Kinkle would only mutter cold words reminding him to clean up when they were done, and he'd shove him on his way to get another beer from the fridge with a dull dead look in his eye that Tommy feared of one day seeing in himself or worse, in Harvey's eyes.

Tommy hopes he doesn't ever fall in love that hard, that he loses focus on what's right in front of him. That he becomes blind and dull to life. It's safe to say Tommy didn't really cook much of his mother's recipes not only because of his father but primarily because it made him think of "deep shit" he didn't always like to think about.

A distraction presents itself right at his very dining room table as Tommy smears some butter on the toast and adds the slices of cheddar cheese to the sandwich.

Harvey is almost pacing as he lays out his drawing carefully on the table while Roz dumps her materials in front of her with little to no caution to be used for her project.

While putting the sandwiches in the toaster Tommy leans over the counter to sneak a glance at Harvey's work. He was having trouble completing the newest addition to his spooky-themed drawings come to life. The come to life factor being the missing portion.

"Looks good so far man." At his brother's comment Harvey's head raises and his eyes widen from the squinted position they were before as he responds, "Thanks it's for the-"

"Greendale spooktacular festival." Tommy finishes for his brother, a soft smile placated on his features while he stirs the tomato soup. He knows how important it is to Harvey to have his work actually featured somewhere for the first time and not just on the fridge like their mother used to do. Tommy isn't the only person to see how important it is to him either.

"You only mentioned it like a hundred different times this week." Rosalind slightly sings, sharing a look with Tommy. The urge to laugh at Harvey's nervous antics rises for both of them as Harvey continues to stare harder at his piece.

Rosalind Walker was nothing like Tommy Kinkle expected. She was down to earth, fiery, funny and quirky in a book smart fun-loving kinda way. The way Harvey described her now from back when they were kids it was like she was this ethereal social justice warrior goddess but Tommy quickly learned she was exactly that just with a heart of gold. Tommy came to know a lot about things thanks to Roz. Things like white privilege and the poverty crisis in the world because of her. She was smarter than most people he knew back when he went to college, he knew if he told Harvey that he wouldn't be surprised.

"Dude, just use the red yarn." Roz breathes out gesturing towards the hapless thread of red in front of her, the yarn tangles further as she rustles through. The seemingly endless pile of red yarn in front of her, as Harvey mentioned. It was her helpless attempt to get into knitting, needing a new hobby to help her relax. Whatever that means.

Greendale was still the same, giving teens unnecessary stress since it's founding. It might as well be the town slogan, Tommy snorts to himself. Ah teenage stress, I do not miss that, along with the acne, ugh Tommys thoughts flow with a furrowed brow.

Tommy was a cool guy. Sure he fit in with the Jock, got in with the preppy kids but he was never really part of any clique. Tommy was cool with everyone he was just that guy. He looks back up at his little brother again who is frustratingly biting his lip at his painting. He and his brother were different in so many ways. Harvey had so much going for him especially with his art. Evelyn Kinkle was Harvey's biggest fan. She would always put his newest pieces of art whether it was a family portrait or Harvey's creative interpretation of the Monsters Inc characters, he always had a spot on the fridge. Tommy likes to think he does his best with what he has when he starts to put up some of Harvey's more recent artwork up and Harvey's muted smile is all he gets when their asshole of a father takes them down. His musings are interrupted when the finished sandwiches pop up from the toaster.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2020 ⏰

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