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4 months ago...

The sun tried to fight its way through the canopy of trees as I laid on the picnic blanket and read. Hero laid next to me, asleep. We were both exhausted from the excessive filming we've been doing, and it was nice being able to have the afternoon off.

We decided to spend it at the lake before we shot our two scenes for the night. It was a beautiful day, despite the forecast being a ninety five percent chance of rain.

I was in the middle of The Catcher in the Rye, which was one of my favorite novels.

Hero stirred beside me before rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?"

I checked my phone. "Two-thirty-seven."

"We have to be back before five so we can get ready to shoot."

"Good thing we have a full tank of gas this time." I said with a laugh. Swen was nice enough to let us borrow his truck for our little field trip, and I made sure to triple check that there was enough gas for a round trip.

Hero sat up and stretched his arms out. I glanced over and could see his toned back muscles through his thin t-shirt. I shook my head and continued to read.

We were doing much better with the whole 'friends' thing. Our scenes were easier to shoot together now that we were more comfortable around each other and the crew.

But at the back of my mind, all I could think about was the first love scene that has yet to be shot. Anna requested that it be filmed when Hero and I were comfortable and rehearsed enough to do it. Unfortunately, I don't think I'd ever be fully prepared for that scene.

And time was running out.

"What're you reading?" Hero asked over his shoulder.

I looked up from my book and showed him the cover.

"You're reading that... for fun?"

"Yes, and?"

"Do you know how many times I've had to read that book for school? I could probably recite it word for word by now."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh really?"

"If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is-"

"Okay, message received." I said with a laugh. I placed my book down next to me and sat up so that I could I could see his face. "Did you like school?"

"I didn't hate it. I did very well in school. But I went to a Church of England school, so you can imagine how that went."

"What was your favorite subject?"

"I loved my creative arts classes. Anything that had to do with the arts I excelled in. I remember when I got the part in the Harry Potter film, I was so excited to tell my headmaster that I'd be missing lessons because I got an acting job, but he paid no mind to it. People thought I got into it so easily because my entire family is involved in the film industry. Maybe they're right."

"Hey! Don't do that to yourself." I placed my hand on his shoulder. "You're a brilliant actor and I'm glad that you're my other half in these films. I wouldn't want anyone else there with me."

He looked at me and smiled. "Thanks, Jo." He looked back out towards the water. "What about you?"


"School, I mean."

"Well, you'll be happy to hear that I also went to a church school. I'm very familiar with the feeling of angst when walking through the halls, hoping a Sister doesn't take out her ruler."

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