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Two months ago...

"I can't do this." I shook my head, looking at Anna. Hero stood beside me, frantically running his hands through his hair.

"Guys, its okay. Don't freak out." She said, placing a hand over my shoulder.

It's not so much that I was worried about shooting the first love scene, it was the intense amount of pressure that I felt when it came to playing this character. I wanted to give my best performance yet, but the constant idea of saying something the wrong way or perhaps my body not being good enough was sending my nerves into overdrive.

Hero was just as nervous as I was. We had never shot a scene like this before.

But I'm happy we were in this together.

Hero and I decided that instead of constantly trying to subdue our feelings for each other, we would instead just see where they take us.

We went on coffee dates, spent hours at the lake, snuck away from the rest of the cast to have some alone time, and got to know each other in ways that I never thought possible.

I was more comfortable with him than I had ever been with anyone else. He made me feel like a different woman... in a good way.

"Just go with the flow. Let things come naturally. I promise, you guys are perfect. You will do great." Anna assured us, before sitting down in her chair.

Hero turned to me and took my hands. "We're going to be okay, Jo."

I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Remember, no matter what happens, I'm happy you're here."

My heart soared as I remember Hero saying that to me on our first day of shooting, before our first kiss.

We've come so far since then.

"Are you guys ready?" Jenny asked us.

"Yes." I said.

"Alright, places."

Hero and I undressed our top half, so it looked as though we were completely naked, before he stood over by the nightstand, and I lay down on the bed.


Hero joins me back on the bed, holding the small packet.

"Are..." His voice was low.

"If you ask if I am sure, I will kill you." I told him and he smiled.

"I was going to say, are you going to help me put this on or should I do it?" He laughed, waving the condom between his thumb and forefinger.

I bit my lip. "I want to... but you'll have to show me."

He sat down on the bed and I sit up.

He tore the packet open then took my hand in his.

Hero uses our hands to 'put the condom on'.

"That wasn't so bad for a virgin and a drunk." I laughed.

"I'm not drunk, babe. I had a dew drink then came here, argued with you, and now I'm sober again." He smiled, then ran his thumb across my bottom lip.

"Now what?" I asked him.

"Eager?" He grinned, and I nodded my head.

"Me too." Hero said. He shifted his body, so he was on top of me. He uses his knee to part my legs, spreading them apart and I felt his fingers rub against my clothed center.

This was it.

The scene everyone would be talking about.

We were about to film it.

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