Chapter Forty Six

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Author's Note: Wifi is a wonderful, wonderful thing isn't it? I'm particularly fond of it. :) anyway after that little bit of happiness at being able to post with all the freedom of the world I'd just like to say yes Ian is a bit of a jackass, but whatever. He isn't going to be a starring character. I don't think Theo or Brittany will either.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter it gets pretty intense.

xoxo, Rosie

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Real feelings

Don't just

Go away

- Unknown


People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long.

- Johnny Depp

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Happy Birthday

Mason's POV

I sit up in bed, my body hot and sweaty, my sheets tangled up around me. I know I've had a nightmare, but I can't remember it now. I lean over and look at my clock 7:03.

I stand up and push my hair out of my face before going into my bathroom and climbing into the shower. As I turn on the faucet and the water drenches me head to foot it dawns on me. I, Mason Styles, am officially an adult.

Emma's POV

My eyes fly open and I stare at the ceiling above my head. My hands find my stomach, spread flat across it, just resting there. Then I turn my head and look at the digital clock on my bed side table.

7:03 it reads. I close my eyes again. Mason is now officially eighteen years old.

Sighing, I sit up and slide my feet to the ground. Maybe it's the hormones - that seem to be going crazy in me since pregnancy - that propel me to my dresser. I pull on jeans and a loose purple top that I picked out specifically to fit me even when I will look like I have a beach ball shoved under my shirt.

Then I pull on some boots, grab my keys, and head outside.

Mason's POV

I throw on clothes and then go barefoot downstairs. My father is moving around on the floor above, the floorboards creaking beneath his feet.

Making my way into the kitchen I hear the clink of our mail slot closing. I pick the letters off the floor because I know how dad hates when stuff is just left laying around.

Sorting through the mail there are two bills, a credit card, three pieces of junk mail and one letter addressed to me.

I squint at the messy handwriting that seems oddly familiar to me. "What the hell?" I whisper as it all comes together.

Jennifer York. The handwriting.

"What are you doing?" I hear behind me. I spin around to face my father in the doorway.

"Checking the mail," I say. His face is dangerously calm. "I think... I think I got a letter from mom."

Emma's POV

I find myself in the nearest DQ. "Two chocolate shakes and a large fry," I order. The acne spotted girl behind the counter gives me a strange look as if to say "it's only 7 a.m."

"I'm pregnant alright?" I snap and her eyes grow wide. I see them dart to my stomach and then back up to my face.

Finally I'm paid for and I take my order to go. As soon as it's sent out I march out the door. It'll be a bit of a walk back to Mason's house, so I slip a fry out of the bag and eat it. Thank god the little fetus is smart enough not to reject junk food.

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