Chapter 54

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Author's Note: Gonna try for a longer chapter this time because the last one might have been a tad lacking. So yeah... I'm gonna really try on this one. And yes the end of this book will actually be coming somewhat soon I'm not sure when. But a second book will follow. I promise.

Anyway I hope you guys like the book I really do love writing it. Enjoy!

xoxo, Rosie

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. . .

I could lift you up

And show you what you want to see

And take you where you want to be

- Safe and Sound, Capital Cities

. . .

(A/N only one quote for today because I'm trying to save some of my good ones for more important chapters and also for the next book!)

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Emma's POV

I sit in the waiting room, twisting my fingers in my lap. Mason has no family members to join me, to report back to me about his health. So I'm all alone.

Doctors rush by me holding white clipboards or pushing patients around on wheeled stretchers. My eyes flick to the television over my head. The sound is off as usual and the newsman's mouth is moving uselessly.

I see the doctor attending to Mason walking down the hall and I jump up and run after him. "Sir!" I shout. He turns around, raising his eyebrows.

"Hi... sorry are you like saving a life right now or something?" I ask.

He chuckles and shakes his head, "No I'm off the hook for now."

"Okay well I was hoping you could tell me about Mason. Mason Styles?"

"I'm sorry I can't give out information to people who aren't family. I suggest you wait until he wakes up and then you can visit." The doctor starts to turn and I grab his arm.

"I can't wait though. And I really am practically family. 'Cause I'm his girlfriend and I am pregnant with his child and I demand to know what is going on. Unless you want a severely hormonal teenage girl to deal with."

He stares at me like he thinks I'm crazy. "He's stable and out of intensive care. He just ripped some of his stitches and stress may be an issue as well. We expect him to make a full recovery and be conscious within the hour."

"Thank you," I say, breathing a sigh of relief. He nods and I retreat to my chair, taking a seat. My eyes flit back to the newscast. It's a video about that awful ISIS stuff.

It's going to be a long night.

One hour later

Mason is hugging me. He smells like cinnamon and comfort. The two of us are lying in his bedroom. Every time we move an inch, the bed springs squeal and we burst out laughing. I snuggle up against his chest, enjoying the feeling of the rise and fall as he takes a breath and the sound of his heart beat against my ears.

He reaches over to his bedside table and grabs his phone, clicking on Spotify. I smile contentedly as the first song comes on. Tee Shirt by Birdy.

"Hey, it's our song," Mason says softly, playing with strands of my hair.


He props himself up on his elbows on either side of my body, grinning down at me. "Yep. It was our first solo dance song. That was the day we first kissed."

My mouth drops open at the memory. "Your right," I say. "How'd I not remember that?" I put one finger up, tracing the outline of his lips. They're soft and pink. His tongue darts out from between his teeth and he licks my finger, making me squeal and him laugh.

"You know..." he continues on as if nothing happened. "it's kind of perfect timing really."

"What do you mean?" I ask smiling up at him. God he's gorgeous. There's practically a halo surrounding him.

He sits up completely and I follow suit. "Close your eyes," he orders. Obediently, I shut them tight like shutters over a window.

The bed squeaks and moves as he gets up and then repeats the process as he comes back to me. "Open," he tells me. I smile and open my eyes.

A ring. A ring with a silver band and a small, clear diamond. It rests in a smart, dark blue velvet box.

The last line of Tee Shirt begins and Mason asks, "Emma will you-"

"Wake up!"

My eyes open slowly and I'm blinded by harsh light. "I was worried for a second there," a young nurse tells me, chuckling.

I squint at her, "What?"

"Dr. Daniels told me to get you when Mason Styles woke up? He's conscious now."

"Really?" I ask, jumping up. "Great! Can I go see him now?" The nurse nods and waves me forward. I follow her down the squeaky, tile halls and think to myself I've been here too damn many times.

I even recognize some nurses from the last time I was here for Mason. They give me sympathetic smiles or nod at me. I can't let myself worry.

When we get to Mason's room I spin around to face the nurse. "How is his mom doing? He'll want to know."

"She'll be fine. She's in stable condition, but we've put her under for now." I nod and then twist the door knob, stepping inside of the dark hospital room.

"Emma?" Mason croaks.

I sigh in relief and move towards his bed. "I'm here Mase."

"Thank god. I was worried about you," he says as I sit down next to him and take his hand.

"You were worried about me?" I ask. "Oh Mason, I was worried about you. I hate how many times we've had to be here."

"It's only been twice now," Mason informs me, smirking in the dark.

I roll my eyes. "Two times too many." I press my lips to his wrist where I know his scars still are. "But you're going to be okay and your mom is going to be okay. Everything will be fine."

"I hope so," he says.

"I know so."

Several months later

I groan and roll over in bed. My hand rests on my fat belly. I'm nearly seven months pregnant and it's beginning to take it's toll on my body. "You okay Em?" Mason asks, pressing a kiss to my lips.

I wrinkle my nose. "Your breath reeks." He chuckles. "What are you doing up anyway? It's like 6 a.m. on a weekend."

"Emma... there's something I think... we need to talk about."

A/N and that's were I'm going to leave off. Love you all. Stay safe and stay happy! Next update should be sometime soon (pinky swear). Bye!

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