Chillin Like A Villain 10

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Back on the isle at Uma's ship pirates were all around doing various jobs. Ben and Bree were tied up to a mast when harry jumped down in front of Bree.

"Coochy, Coochy, Coo." he chuckled ticking her chin with his hook then made his way round to Ben.

" he chuckled ticking her chin with his hook then made his way round to Ben

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"How's feel now to be King now, eh."

"Give it a rest Harry. Give it a rest." Uma pulled him away from the royal twins "We don't want damaged goods."

"You said i could hook him." Harry retorted

"I said at noon." she replied and Harry came back over bringing out a pocket watch.

"Twenty more minutes." Harry counted down

"That says 11:30." Ben told him causing Harry to glare at the King and Bree to snort in amusement.

"You better hope your girlfriend and boyfriend come through."

"They're not with us anymore." Ben answered sadly and Harry chuckled

"Leave us alone Harry." Harry went to leave but stopped at Ben.

"nineteen minutes to go now." he told him and walked away.

"I get that you don't deserve this." Ben talked to Uma. She chuckled

"This. This island is a prison thanks to your father. And don't pretend to look out for me because no one's looking out for me. It's just me."

"So this isn't your Mom's plan." The King wondered. Uma scoffs "Isn't that her necklace?"

"My mom doesn't care about me either. Well not unless she needs someone for the night shift."

"Ouch." Bree drawled

"I don't need your pity." she sneered at the princess

"Not you certainly don't." Bree bit back

"You're very resourceful, I don't see you tied up. " Uma laughed and stood up making her way to the twins

"All right, let's trash talk Mal."

"I'd rather talk about you." Ben replied

"Funny and a gentleman. i really don't hope i have to feed you to the fishes."

"So don't , set us free and we'll go back together." Bree looked at her brother like what the hell.

"Oh so now I get an invite." Uma chuckled "Gee, I wonder why. You know when you brought Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay to Auradon, that's as mad as I've ever been in my life. And trust me I've been plenty mad." she tapped his cheek.

"I never thought about that before, that I could'v hurt the people i didn't pick. The plan was to start with four kids and bring more mover. i don't know I guess i just got caught up with being King. I'm so sorry." he apologised

"You're a leader Uma, so am I come to Auradon and be part of the solution ."

" me part of your solution? Nah, i don't need you, I'm gonna get there on my own. And see what this puppy can do." she held her necklace and left the two.

"Seriously, bro." Bree stared at her brother.

"What she's hurt."

"So am I but you don't see me participating in kidnapping. Ugh if i could just get my nails too.." she shifted awkwardly

"Are you trying to shift."

"Duh, but trying to just do it in one area, like my nails is difficult, I've been trying all night and nothing."

"and what happens if you do get loose?"

"Turn break this ship in pieces and scram. Really Ben do you ever embrace the best bits about being related to Dad."

"Seems not."

"Yeah well, maybe you should, look I agree that isle kids deserve a chance but throwing your dummy out of the pram just because you don't get picked first it's stupid. As for bringing more over, these things take time not all who come over will be a success story like our friends. Everything is not rosie, Ben it wasn't before and it isn't now. The sooner you realise that the better."


Jay, Carlos and Lonnie arrived back on the Isle, Mal and Evie were waiting.

"I'll get the swords." Jay told Lonnie, she nodded and joined the girls hugging them.

"I made them bring me."

"I'm so glad they did." Mal told her.

"Yeah, welcome to the isle, glad you're here." Evie added. the boys opened the trunk and pulled out the swords and laying behind them was Dude.

"I told you to stay!" Carlos said to Dude

"Meh, I flunked obedience class."

"Great and he still talks." Jay retorted

"You're lucky I love you." he helped Dude out of he trunk and the joined the girls.

"oh let me see." She took the wand "Wow a thing of beauty."

"It's noon." Jay stated

"All right. Are we ready." everyone nodded and walked through the pipe tunnel.

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