The Imprint

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I arrived at Forks airport by teleporting from a Bank to here. Fucking bullshit! Today I'm visiting my cousin from Forks, Bella Swan and her father Charlie Swan, chief policeman. I walked out the bathroom with three big gym bags. I was able to teleport into a bank and steal all of its money. Nice hu? I'm not normal as you can see, I'm a werewolf. Probably the strongest one in the century. I looked at myself in the mirror. Black t-shirt that said Breaking Benjamin. Black jacket, black skinny jeans, and black biker boots. My eyes were a weird color of ocean blue. My hair was a little bright navy blue with a red bang. People say I dyed my hair but I was actually born with my hairstyle like this (A/N: her hair is the the cover of the book!).

Anyway I walked out the bathroom, toward the door. I disguise my werewolf sent and looks. As I excited the airport I saw Charlie and another teenage girl waiting for me outside a cop car."Really you could've just took a taxi instead of a shitty cop car." I mumbled as I walked toward them." Hello Alexandra, I'm Charlie your Uncle and this here is your cousin Bella swan." I shook his hand awkwardly." Names Alexandra S. WhiteFang." I said in a cold tone." Let's go then!" Charlie hand went to grab my bags when I reflexed quickly." I got e'm." I said as he opened the trunk." Okay then" Charlie murmured. We all got in he car. Charles in the front and me in the back with Bella. I took out my phone and texted Danny.

ME: Oi Dannie the bet is off! I gave u time!

DANNIE: no plz! It's not fair the Yankees lost! ;(

ME: too bad u owe me money! 2,000! >,< ;)

DANNIE: Fine! U win you'll get in 15 min! I'll teleport it there!

I sighed out in relief." So Alex how's it been?" Charlie said as we waited for the light to change." By that do you mean, me living in the streets for 2 months, almost getting raped and killed, then never felt much better. Thank you for asking." I said. Charlie gave me a sad look." So sorr-" my phone vibrated and someone was calling I answered." Dannie! The money! U owe me!" I nearly screamed. I accidentally put it in speaker." Ha! U think I was going to pay u 2,000 dollars?! Your fucking crazy!" He laughed." If I don't get the money I swear to the devil Ill fucking kill your family you cunt face! I expect my money in 15 minutes! You ape!" I yelled as I ended the call." O...Kay, who was that?" Bella spoke for the first time." Some idiot who betted that the Yankees would win, they lost and now he owes me 2,000 dollars. Take my word for it, never bet with me, I'll always win." I grumbled.

There was silence the rest of the drive. once we got there I shot out and grabbed my bags." Bella take Alex to your room she'll be sleeping there for now. I have to go to work bye!" Then he drove off." Come I show you my room." I followed her to her room upstairs. The walls where plain white." Welcome to my room." She smiled at me." Do you have anyplace were I can put my stash?" I asked, Bella looked confused." My money. Somewhere where Charlie won't look." I said." Why?" She asked." Keep a secret?" I narrowed my eyes. She nodded. I put my bags down on her bed. The first one I opened was filled with money." 50,000 dollars." I opened the next one. It was filled with gold. 90 pieces of gold." Last but not least." I opened the last one. It was filled with more than 1,000 diamonds." So you don't go blabbing to Uncle Ill give you some." I grabbed 3 packs of money. Then two pieces of gold and gave her 5 diamonds." No. I won't tell Charlie, just keep your money." She handed it back to me." Suit yourself." I hid the bags inside her closet." You'll sleep on my bed with me today. But first let's eat. Then tomorrow I'll present you to my boyfriend!" She said happily. I started to laugh!" Y-you have a b-boyfriend?! You look t-too innocent!" I laughed harder." We'll at LEAST I have one!" She said angrily. I wiped a tear from my eye. I flicked her nose with my finger." Trust me girl, you know nothing of the real world." I chuckled darkly. After that I went and ate spaghetti Bella made. I washed my dish and went upstairs were Bella was still naked trying to get dress." Whoa!" I yelped as I saw her naked." Ahh!" She yelled as I closed the door. My heart was thumping.' Wait? Could it be?!' I thought." Y-you can come in now!" She yelled.

I opened the door meeting her dark chocolate brown eyes. Suddenly everything in the world didn't matter. Only her. I felt that I needed to protect. If she needed a shoulder to cry on, I'll be there. If she need a sister I'll be it. And if she need a lover I'll be a lover. I saw us together, kissing, having a family, being together forever. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder." You okay you spaced out?" Bella said. Her smell was intoxicating so powerful it made me dizzy a little." I'm fine just thinking." I murmured." Here so can shower." She handed me a towel and cloths with a toothbrush. I went to the bathroom undress and put my dirty cloths in an basket, and turned the shower on. Pure cold water. My body heat is so high that the cold doesn't affect me. As I washed my body I notice my muscles have grown more. And my 6 pack was really noticeable. I couldn't believe I just imprinted on my own cousin.

This is incest what I'm dealing with right now! I turned off the shower and got dress. Her cloths were a little small and a bit tight. It revealed my tone body. I brushed my teeth and hair to its normal style. Once I got out I walked to Bella's room. I noticed she was reading." Nerd!" I yelled. She looked from her book to me. Her eyes widen when she saw my slender body. A blush rose on her cheeks." Your small too." I said as I said on her bed." I'm only 5'5. Your 6'6! Your bigger than me. You giant!" She grumbled." Whatever " I said. I turned off all the lights and climbed into bed." Your body is hot! Do you have a fever or something?!" She whispered." No! I'm fine you dolt!" I whispered back. I tried sleeping but I couldn't. All I could think about was how I imprinted on her, and I'm going school!

Authors Note: thank you all for reading I promise to continue this story, probably update it every 1 or 2 hours or days, but I will update quickly! Thank you all for reading comment, like, give me feedback on how to improve, the next chapter is out! Go read it and comment and like!

~ Ryuuko Matoi!

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