Find The Autobot!

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I raced through the portal, and transformed. I was in some kind of canyon. Then something came through on my comm.

"Smokescreen, there's been a malfunction, are you through?" Came Bumblebee's voice. I loved that he finally got his pipes back, he's gotta be one of the strongest bots there has ever been.

I activated my comm "Yeah, I'm through Bee."

"Thank the Allspark, we tho-" then the portal closed behind me, and Bumblebee was cut off by static.

"Bumblebee? Bee, do you read?" I asked into my comm, knowing that I wasn't going to receive an answer. "Scrap."

Then I hear jet engines, and see multiple brown, black and red jets flying towards me. "Double scrap."

"Should we call in N-Tek?" I ask as we race through the Copper Canyon canyons and towards where the energy signal was. "Or at least Max and Steel?" They're the only ones who know our secret. That we're not fully human, and that we're not alone in the universe. We told them that Max was half Tachionian, and that Steel was of Makinian origin. None of us liked it that Forge was keeping the two of them in the dark, so the four of us let in some light.

"Good idea Helen," Jack said. "Raf, contact Steel. Tell them to be on standby, but not to come until we contact them again. We can't risk bringing them in to a full on Decepticon firefight."

"On it," Raf said from inside his black and yellow muscle car.

"Good." Jack says and stops his bike. "We'll go on foot from here," he gets off his bike and transforms.

His holoform disappears, and his bot form takes its place. Jack's bot form is like a combination of Arcee and Optimus. His body style matches Arcee's, aside from the shoulders, they were Optimus'. He had the accents that were on Optimus's head, including a retractable battle mask. Jack also had Arcee's wrist accents (the pink things on her wrists), and the accents that were on her legs as well. His body is Arcee's shade of blue, with red on the armor accents.

Miko transformed. She had Wheeljack's body style in Bulkhead's colour of green, with red accents. She didn't have the grey ears like Wheeljack, but she had Bulkhead's head style, without the large jaw. She still had her pigtails as well, but with green on the ends.

Raf is already transformed when he steps out, looking almost identical to Bumblebee's black paint job. The only differences are his eyes, which look like Ratchet's, and his head, which had his spiky hair.

I step out as well, and deactivate my holoform. My bot form looks almost exactly like Smokescreen, blue with yellow accents, but instead of just having car door wings, they were actual jet wings that I use to fly. Between the two on my back is the thruster that gets me in the air and propels me. There are secondary thrusters on my feet and the back of my legs that can be used for increased agility, and for an extra bit of power when its required. On my head, under the yellow accents, there is my extremely short hair. It's a glossy black, with streaks of blue and yellow.

"Let's roll out!" I say as soon as I'm transformed, and run in the direction of the signal.

"Hey!" Jack says with a chuckle. "That's my line!" and the three of the run after me.


We ran for not even five minutes before hearing blaster fire. Without a second thought I activated the thruster on my back and did a loop, which gave Jack the opportunity he needed to jump up and onto my back. A maneuver we've been practicing for a long time.

I flew as fast as I could towards the sound of battle (without dumping Jack off my back of course), and Raf opened a groundbridge for himself and Miko to go through.

We arrived at the scene of the battle, and saw Dredd's ships, along with hundreds of Dreddnaughts. And right smack dab in the middle of it, blasting away, was Smokescreen.

"Smokey!" I yelled, which was followed by an excited war whoop from Miko that bounced off the canyon walls as she jumped out of the groundbridge and began decimating any and all of the robots that got in her way.

Smokescreen looked at us, not recognizing who we were, but upon seeing our insignias', a smirk appeared on his face (he was probably just grateful for the backup). His moment of distraction though, was enough for Dredd to come out of his ship and hit the red, blue and white Autobot with enough force to knock him out cold.

"Smokescreen!" we yelled in unison.  We began running in his direction, less focused on destroying Dreddnaughts, and more on reaching Smokescreen before he was taken aboard one of the ships. 

At Dredd's command, his robots began dragging Smokescreen to the ship, and the hundreds of others were focused on getting in our way. 

"I'll send you to Unicron!" I yelled as loudly as I could at Dredd as he boarded the ship that carried Smokescreen.

Dredd chuckled at my anger, and turned to face our direction. "A unicorn? Even if they existed, I highly doubt that you'd be able to accomplish it."

The hatch closed and the ship flew off, causing the remaining Dreddnaughts to retreat, where they were taken to the ships by tractor beams.

"It's Unicron not unicorn you fragger" Miko mumbled, loud enough for us to hear. "Can we go get backup now?" she asked as she grabbed my arm, to make sure I didn't fly off after them like a crazy bot. (which I have been known to do in the past).

"Yeah," Jack said to us, "let's head back to N-Tek, and go get some backup!"


What do you guys think? The kids found and lost Smokey, and are off to get some backup!who will they get? Ferris? Kat? Molly? Steel? Who knows!😈 I absolutely love the idea I've got for the next chapter, but who do you thing is gonna be their 'backup'? There's three of them, but that's the only hint I'm giving!!!


Smoke, Flares and Turbo Energy (TFP/Max Steel Crossover) - ON HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now