|no quarter 3|

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Nothing is said between the two vampires and one witch as they all stand there awkwardly. Kol's eyes scan the bar before they find themselves rested on a picture pinned to a bulletin board. Kol walks over as Elora watches with curiosity. He stops right in front of the picture and is staring at it. Finally, Josh speaks up.

"Well here's to nobody dying today," he raises two glasses and gives one to Kol and one to Elora. Then, he puts one in front of himself.

As he pours the drinks, he asks, "Or was I premature? Tell me, what happens when Klaus gets out? What are you guys gonna do? Massacre this whole city?"

Kol glances at him, the glass and then Elora before going back to the picture, "We just want to get our brother and leave. I, for one, hope I never see this filthy city again."Josh notices him looking at the picture again and walks out from around the bar, "I was with someone. This guy, Aiden. He died. Killed by your aunt, actually. And afterwards, I hated everything. And I mean everything. Even the sun. You know? It just kept coming up every morning, like it was any other day and the world hadn't completely changed. It's taken forever for me to feel normal again."Kol scoffs, "How fortunate for you that you do.""You will, too. It does get better, Kol. Eventually," Josh says.Kol rolls his eyes, "Why are you telling me all this?"

Elora watches the interaction carefully. Hayley had told Elora about this Davina girl, but she did not know that she meant something to Kol.

"I think Davina would have wanted me to."

Josh's phone buzzes and without a warning, Kol grabs it.

Kol frowns as he reads the message, "Well, since we're such good friends now, perhaps you could explain what "Teutoburg" means."

"Um Look, I'm really not a part of all this," Josh backs up slowly but stops when he feels Elora's presence behind him, stopping him from running.

"Of course, you are, especially when you're receiving coded messages from the man that's holding my brother captive. Now listen very carefully," Kol steps forward so he is almost chest to chest with Josh, "If something has happened to my sister, or if something is about to happen to another member of my family, this city and everyone in it will burn: you, your boyfriend, your friends, this bar, your home! Shall I continue? Now, tell me what "Teutoburg" means."

"It's a battle where the bad guys caught the good guys off guard. Marcel is warning me that you're all here so that I can spread word to the rest of our guys," Josh answers, knowing there was no way he could get out of this.

"So you can keep us busy and Marcel can kill us," Elora finally spoke up and Kol's eyes met hers for a brief second before he rushed forward and snapped Josh's neck.

As the two watched Josh's body fall to the floor, Kol muttered, "You're lucky Davina liked you."

"So, where are we going?" Elora follows Kol out of the bar.

Kol rolls his eyes and groans, "I forgot you were here too," Elora glares at him, but he ignores it, "Can't you just stay here or something? I do not want to have to look after you while my family is in danger."

"I can look after myself- thank you very much," she frowns and he comes to a halt. He tilts his head sideways as he evaluates her, looking her up and down before meeting her eyes.

"Okay, Elora. Just do not get in my way, and if I tell you to do something, do it."

Elora's eyes widen in surprise. He was going to let her go with him? Just like that? This was probably the first time someone did not treat Elora as breakable.

Kol doesn't give Elora a chance to reply. Instead, he starts walking again, leaving the shocked girl behind. Quickly, Elora gets over her shock and with a smile, rushes to catch up to him.


Elora had never been transported anywhere at the speed of a vampire before, but now that she had she could officially say that it was the worst feeling in the world. You could barely breathe at the speed that they traveled. However, her unfortunate experience might have something to do with the fact that Kol did not really give her a chance to catch her breath or even hold it before he picked her up and ran them to Lafayette Cemetery. Thus, when he let her go near one of the tombstones, she couldn't help but almost fall. Luckily, Kol caught her just in time. In just a short second, she was able to stand on her own, but it was clear that both Kol and her were annoyed at the other. Kol, on one hand, could not understand why she was so weak, and Elora, on the other hand, could not understand how Kol could be so inconsiderate.

However, the two put their differences aside and turn their attention to look at the scene in front of them quietly. Rebekah lays on the floor with a few arrows in her back while two vampires-- one boy and one girl-- stand over her.

"You really don't know when to quit," the girl mutters as Rebekah lets out a groan and takes an arrow from her stash and stabs her in the back with it. The vampire right next to her shakes his head, "We could get a pretty penny for Rebekah Mikaelson.""Yes, we could. But if Marcel wants her safe, then I'm gonna keep her safe."

Kol rushes out of their hiding spot and rips out the vampire's heart from his back.

"Well, he won't be taking anyone, as he is rather indisposed. But to be fair, you won't be keeping anyone either."

The girl takes one look at him and runs away while Elora comes out from behind the tomb. She rushes over to Rebekah and removes the arrows from her back while Kol acts as the look out in case any more vampires decide to come.

"Welcome back, Rebekah," Elora murmurs as Rebekah begins to wake.

As expected, a few vampires show up and Kol immediately beigns to fight, trying to take them all at once. However, one escapes him and goes straight for Elora, who punches him harshly in the stomach. He slightly bends over due to the pain, but recovers quickly, trying to kick her. She dodges it by dropping to the ground. She takes one of the arrows off the ground and pushes him against the wall of the tombs, stabbing him in the heart with it as soon as she could.

Then, she looks around for another vampire to kill, but notices that Rebekah was now awake and had taken care of the rest already. Kol, however, seemed to have lost control and was hitting the same vampire over and over again even though it was obvious that he was dead. Elora watches once again with curiosity-filled eyes at Kol Mikaelson.

She had never seen such anger, rage, and desperation in anyone before.

"Kol! I think you got him," Rebekah yells, finally making Kol get off the guy.

Kol lets the vampire's body fall to the ground as he looks up at his sister, "Can we leave this awful city now?"

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