he's all i want

987 107 255


i know exactly what i want this year



'can i ask a favour'


'can we- can we go outside'

'yeah, just let me-'

'no, i want to go out like this'

'but ji-'

'hyung, please'

'ji i'm in an overall skirt'

'yeah and you're wearing a crop top and some cute glitter shoes that i bought you'

'yeah, but-'

minho looks down, blushing profusely, playing with the ends of his skirt and swaying a little bit.

'but, this is my safe space. what if someone makes fun of me'

'it's alright, we don't have to. go ahead and change hyung! i'll wait for you.'

minho looks up hopefully, a small smile gracing his lips, but then he suddenly pouts.

'wait, i change my mind'

'but hyung-'

'no, i'll go like this'

'you really don't have to'

'no, let's go.'

'are- are you sure?'

'positive, let's go before i change my mind again'

jisung can feel minho tugging on his hand shyly,  urging him to move forward and out of their room. he almost follows the elder, but pulls him back when he realizes minho's not wearing a jacket. he reaches in his closet and pulls out a gray sweater, wrapping it around minho lightly.

'ji, it doesn't go with my outfit!'

'you look fine hyung'

'no, the gray clashes with the pink, i can't go out like this'

'baby you look fine, cmon, let's go'


'i-i didn't mean to-'

'no, it's okay- you can call me that'

jisung smiles, a light hue gracing his cheeks as he laces their hands together and pulls minho out of the house. they walk down the street hand in hand, minho's skirt catching in the wind and his glittery shoes gleaming from the sunshine. they're headed to the snow cone shop where they first met each other, talking about everything under the sun when minho spots them. he freezes up and immediately tugs jisung back.

'ji, can we go home?'


'ji, right now'

'yeah, of course. cmon'

they turn around and start to head home, but minho makes eye contact with one of the boys and he stalks over, a stupid smirk gracing his face.

'damn it, they found me'

jisung turns to look at minho, casting a curious glance at the elder and spotting a few tears being shed. he can hear boys snickering and calling out minho's name. he quickly wipes minho's tears, leans up and pecks his lips, and then stands in front of minho.

'move twerp, i want to see minho'


'he said move'

'and i said no'

'you must not be a good listener'

'and you must not be a smart group'

'he fucking said move'

'and i fucking said no'

minho tugs on the back of his shirt. he looks at minho and notices there are three more boys coming up the other side, getting extremely close to his minho. he turns back around and finds the boy in the center smirking, knowing the two boys had been surrounded.

'what are you going to do now twerp'

jisung's infuriated because he's outnumbered and because they've got minho surrounded. he can't do anything to help his hyung and he knows it; they're fucked. 

'i promise you this, if you lay one god damn hand on him-'

minho jumps and pushes into jisung, a muffled shriek pushing past his lips. he's putting his mouth against jisung's ear, whispering.

'ji, he grabbed my butt'

jisung only sees red, fuming that someone would put their hands on minho and touch him so violently and inappropriately.

'what are you gonna do about it string bean?'

he fumes as he turns and sees minho scooting away from the boy who's going in for another booty grab, already in motion with a stupid smirk on his face. jisung beats him to it though, grabbing his arm (before he can touch minho) and twisting until he hears a snap. he hears a loud cry in pain but he doesn't care, he drags the boy by his broken arm and yanks him to the ground (knocking the air right out of him). he throws a punch at two more boys and kicks a third in this groin before turning to the 'leader'.

'if i ever see you coming after him again i will find you and i will beat you'

the leader nods.

'and don't pull a fast one either. if you so much as look his way or think about him i won't hesitate to snap your neck.'

the leader gulps, gathering his troops and rounding them up to get them out of there.

'and if you even think about bothering him at school your ass is grass'

they all nod furiously, trying to get jisung to know that they won't bother minho for now before scurrying off as quickly as possible.

'hyung, i'm so sorry they-'

minho cuts jisung off, pulling him close and kissing him like his life depends on it; his hands lace into jisung's hair, jisung's fingers following minho's waist line.

'thank you ji'

santa, can you hear me?

they make it back to the room just in time for minho to take his shoes off and lay down on the bed (and curl into a ball). when minho falls asleep and he's left up playing with minho's hair he wonders.

dear santa (aka mom and dad),

i'm really scared because who the hell is sooyoung anymore, like i don't care about her... i want one thing for christmas this year, i want minho to kiss me like he did today. i want him to do that everyday.

is this how you two felt for each other? mom, please help me- i don't know what to do, but i think i like minho the way you like dad. please don't let dad read this, i don't want him to be upset with me.

i know he wants for me to find  a really good girl to date, but i think i really like minho. i think i want to date him mom.

oh and if you get a phone call from a concerned parent who's kid received a broken arm today, yeah it was my fault but the kid had it coming. he shouldn't have fucking grabbed minho's butt like he was a toy, minho deserves so much better than that. so ground me if you want, but i had to protect minho-


your goodest boy jisung

My only wish this year | h.js x l.mhWhere stories live. Discover now