messing with everyone

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Sebastian: hello m'lady and and milord's

william: how do you do *with a straight face

sebastian: come now smile a little *grabs williams cheeks and pulls on them hard*

williams:*swats away hands and rubs cheeks * do not dare touch me u fowl beast*

me(^~^) HEY you too stop fighting before i make your worst nightmare come true

william: please i dont what any nightmares

sebastian: nor do i, im the one casting the nighmares *grins *

me: is that so? *calls grell in the room * grell darlling i have a present for you!

grell: yes my little bloodfull friend?

me: well i got you a present* glares at Sebastian and William * William and Sebastian said they are going to give you a lap dace and do anything you want for a whole day

will/sebby: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

me: yup you said you dont have any nightmares so im giving you to grell for a whole day

grell: REALLY!!!!??? i love you so much *squeezees to death*

william:well um i have some overtime to do

sebastian: and i think the young master has called me

me: oh no william i talked to your boss and they said all your work is done and sebastian ciel is ok because he is with me the whole time * ciel walks from behind me*

ceil: sebastian i dont like how you used me as exsucuse to get out of this great idea *smirks with me*

seb/will *sigh* fine * gets draged out by grell to their doom*

me: ceil i think i went a little too far

ceil: no i think you did good and can you make me a pot of earl gray

me: *snaps my fingers and a tray of snacks show up with a pot of earl gray * he you go

ciel: thank you

me:well everyone it seems like its getting late for me and ciel so i bid you a good bye

ceil: who are you talking to?

me: the readers * points to yall*

ciel: *rolls eye and walks away*


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