Daily routine

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Calum is this pretty guy with the dark eyes having a secret crush on you. You don't go to the same school, but somehow you coincidentally meet on a daily basis on your way to school. Every day he has a new, crazy story to tell you, sometimes it's just complete nonsense, but in such a funny way that you laugh a lot so your day starts good. You're happy. Over the year you became best ''to-school-walk-friends''. This is good because he actually is your best friend, he always cheers you up, also when you woke up to another full-throated discussion of your parents. With him by your side you feel like you can't feel pain or sadness anymore. But somehow there's this distance between you and you feel like you don't have the chance to get any closer if you don't break the pattern and meet beyond the daily walks to school.

So today is the first day you meet at your house. He knocks at your door and before you open it, you check yourself one last time in the mirror, but then think: ''He has seen me worse'', so you feel confident when you open the door. He stands there, smiling happily at you and without saying hi, he grabs your waist, pulls you close, places his warm, soft hads on your cheeks and softly your lips begin to touch. He stops and tells you that he was waiting for so long to do this.

You're home alone and have the whole house for yourself, but decide to go to your room close the door and turn on the music. He sits on your bed with outreached legs and you lay there with your head on his thighs. He seems to text someone, so you just lay there and enjoy his other hand holding your had. When your fingertips touch, your hand seems to melt into his hand and to feel the softness of his hand reminds you of the way you felt inside when you felt exactly this hands on your cheeks. This hands that held your face when you kissed for the first time which is only some minutes ago. You stare at te ceiling and try to assimilate everything that is happening at the moment. It is overwhelming. He interrupts your thoughts: ''You know what? I love you'', then he leans down and kisses you again. There it is again, this special feeling in your stomach and your chest. You both just sit and lay there like this, smiling and with one hand he holds your hand and with he softly runs his other hand over your hair. Like this you fell asleep. The next morning you wake up with a big smile on your face, but your smile goes quickly when you look around and Calum's nowhere to be seen. You need to start your day, but before getting up you check your Twitter and see a new notification from Calum. His tweet says: ''I've been in love with this girl for two years now. She makes me happy and I can't find the words to say how much I love her''. You place your phone to the area on your chest you suppose the heart to be, close your eyes and the corners of your mouth move up. You crawl out of bed and when you arrive at the kitchen, you see your table full of food, breat, marmelade, vegemite, honey, cereal, milk, yoghurt and so much more. You're overwhelmed. Again. You're so lost in thought that you get frightened when you hear someone saying: ''I wanted it to be a surprise''. You turn around and see Calum casually leaning against the door case, with one hand in his pockt and the other one holding a big bunch of red roses, smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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