Chp. 36

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Note: I do not speak French and it will be translated underneath so I'm sorry if it's incorrect.

*2 days later* (March 3)
Bethany's Pov:

Je suis en cours d'anglais, je sors mon cahier de mon sac à dos. Je l'ai ouverte sur une page vierge, cherchant mon crayon dans mon sac à crayons. J'ai écrit le sonneur en anglais même si je l'ai traduit plus tard en français, car c'est ce dont je parle principalement. Mon professeur a compris que je parlais surtout le français parce que je suis allé dans une école privée en France pendant six ans. Elle a eu la gentillesse de me laisser même écrire toutes mes réponses et mes papiers en français et les traduire plus tard. Mme Harder aime lire mon travail en français, en particulier avec mon écriture cursive.

English: I am in English class, I take my notebook out of my backpack. I opened it on a blank page, looking for my pencil in my pencil bag. I wrote the bellman in English even though I later translated it into French because that's what I'm talking about mainly. My teacher understood that I spoke mostly French because I went to a private school in France for six years. She was kind enough to let me write all my answers and papers in French and translate them later. Ms. Harder likes to read my work in French, especially with my cursive writing.

Mme Harder a distribué un article sur le livre que nous lisons. J'ai sorti mon exemplaire de Wuthering Heighters et je l'ai posé sur mon bureau. J'ai ouvert mon livre à la dernière page sur laquelle je m'étais arrêté, commençant à lire les 5 premières pages avant de remplir le journal. Mme Harder est venue et a passé des papiers qu'elle avait avant que la cloche sonne pour mon prochain cours.

English: Ms. Harder has handed out a paper about the book we are reading. I took out my copy of Wuthering Heights and put it on my desk. I opened my book to the last page that I stopped on, starting to read the first 5 pages before filling out the paper. Mrs. Harder came over and passed some papers she had before the bell rang for my next class.

*the rest of the chapter is full English*

Rowan's Pov: 

I walked down the hallway, going to my Civics class. Once I sat down at my desk, I took out my homework, placing it on top of my textbook for my teacher to collect. Mrs. R came around, collecting our homework, handing each of us a new worksheet. I quietly opened up my textbook, working on my worksheet. The secretary came over the intercom, saying that we would be going into a code white which is for weather-related things. Mrs. R had us grab our bags and textbooks, before taking us into the hallway, having us sit facing the lockers. 

*an hour later*

Aiden's Pov:

As we sat on the floor facing the lockers, ceiling tiles were coming out of the ceilings, crashing to the floor. Piles of dust were flying in the air, and I looked over Carter who was looking through her bag. She pulled out her inhaler, shaking it, before using it. I grabbed my sweatshirt, pulling it off, handing it to her. 

"Hold this over your face, babe. I don't want you to have an asthma attack," I said, handing her my sweatshirt. 

"Thank you, Aiden," she said, holding it over her face, before laying her head onto my shoulder.

*2 hours later*

They were letting us go home early because it was unsafe for us to stay in the building. I helped Carter off of the floor, carrying both of our bags, walking down the hallway. I pulled my keys out of my backpack, unlocking my car, opening the door for my girl. I closed her door after she got in, going to the driver's side, getting in. I started the car, putting on my seatbelt, pulling out of the parking lot. I drove to Carter's house, pulling into her driveway. She unbuckled her seatbelt, grabbing her bag out of the back seat, before giving me a kiss goodbye. I waited as she walked up the front porch and into her house. I pulled out of the driveway, driving home. When I got home, I parked in the garage, shutting the garage door. 

Carter's Pov:

After Aiden dropped me off at my house, I went inside to my room to work on my homework. I opened my U.S. Studies book, filling out a paper that my teacher had given me. At around 3:30, I was finished all of my work, so I was finally able to write in my journal and work on some other things. My mum came in, bringing me my laundry. I took it to my closet, putting everything away in the correct sections.  

Briar's Pov:

I sat in my mom's office at work, working on my homework, while she was in a meeting. I worked on my project for my history class. I put in my earbuds, listening to some music while I wait on my mom to come back. I finished up my project, placing it into my folder. My mom finally came back from her meeting with her assistant following her. 

"Can you go get me an iced vanilla coffee with 3 sugars and 2% milk please?" my mom asked her assistant. 

"I will right away. Would you like anything Briar?" her assistant asked me. 

"A sweet iced tea will be fine," I said, getting back to work on my homework.

*The next day*

Carter's Pov:

Due to ceiling tiles being out of our ceiling at school still, we weren't allowed in the school. Since we couldn't go to school, I would be laying in my bed all day. My phone went off, signaling that I was getting a phone call from someone. That, someone, turned out to be my lovely boyfriend Aiden. I answered the call, talking to him for 5 minutes, before getting out of bed to get dressed to go out with him. 

*2 months and 2 days later* (May 5th)

Lavender's Pov:

Today was jersey day for prom's spirit week. I walked downstairs, wearing my volleyball jersey and a pair of shorts. I grabbed my converse off of the shoe rack as Carter came out of her room. She was wearing Aiden's baseball jersey with a pair of blue jean shorts and Nikes. She tied her hair up with a scrunchie, putting a bandana in her hair. I tied my shoes, before opening the fridge to grab some breakfast. Mum handed Carter her lunch bag as I made a piece of toast with peanut butter and banana on top. Carter grabbed her keys, before leaving out the front door. 

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