Ch.27:: Craziness 😭🤬👹

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Melanie's pov::
I was still so pissed off so I sat on the edge of my bed and looked down with tears running down my face*pic above* I went and grabbed the box that Elijah gave to me but I haven't had the chance to open it cause I was so busy with work and mad about his death so I went and sat on my bed and set it down. I starred at the box than sighed and opened it and was shocked at what I saw...a picture of him and me fooling around having fun and that's when I was always happy was when I was around him and his family but mostly him while I was going through things as I was taking care of everyone instead of myself. Then there was the necklace that their family gave to me when I was 14 years old but I thought I had lost it. I started crying happy tears as I held on the things close to me tight when I saw a letter so I put the picture down and put the necklace on me. I grabbed the letter slowly and sniffed cause I was crying when I saw that the boys were sitting on the bed watching me looking like that they wanna cry for me even kc and lil ant.

I sighed then opened it carefully and read it making me cry.

Dear beloved Melanie,
Such a beautiful sweet person I am glad that I found you, a person who I somewhat relate too. We may be different but not too different like we are always the ones taking care of others and caring for their safeties. When I saw you walking out of the grocery store at a young age I felt bad cause when I saw you I saw something I haven't seen in decades... Lost and needed to be cared for, like the way we take care of our loved ones but then I saw something special in you and that's loyalty and courage. when me and my family got to know about you I saw something that I've never seen before and that's Niklaus with hope and happiness after all the decades. You and hope, Caroline all changed him and make him wanna be a better man period. Like even kol and Finn likes you and we never see hope in them ever. You've changed all of us Melanie Rose Calaway and it was my honor on getting to know such a wonderful amazing person such as you. Just remember that I may be gone but I will always be with you no matter what happens in world just keep believing in the things that makes you happy. Don't be sad and stay behind in life be happy and live your dreams make people see what I see in you...their light!!  

Your truly amigo

When I got done reading the letter I cried so hard cause he was the thing that I saw happiness in myself and now he's gone cause of Marcel killed him permanently. The boys were worried and wanted to cry with me. 

I put the letter in the box then put the box in the safe with my money then put the picture inside of my phone case with the glittery water then closed the area and put it on my phone and looked at the picture. 

MC- I miss you Elijah god bless you, you shall rest in peace now you've done your job now you shall rest. Nothing will be the same without you amigo, it was my honor on having a blessed best friend such as you for 24 years. I'll miss you amigo.

I kissed the picture long then held on the necklace. 

I ordered room service and ordered lots of chocolate ice cream and some bananas and some chocolate sauce with a bottle of white wine and some French fries. I grabbed my laptop and put Netflix on then put my and Elijah favorite movie coco on. We didn't know why we liked coco so much but we do and it will always be our movie. 
Then there was a knock on the door so I grabbed my money and went to answer it then paid the room service then headed to my room and played coco. I noticed that everyone was starring at me and the food cart shocked.

MC- what it's my routine? 

RR- you eat like this?

MC- yes but I eat more like a monster when someone who's close to me end up dead. For example someone I knew for 24 years like Elijah Mikaelson.

LAG- who's Elijah Mikaelson?

MC- my best friend out of all my best friends we both are alike    

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