The Last Day

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This morning wasn't great. It was kinda glum, knowing Brad and I were gonna be apart for a few days. I think the worst part of it was it felt like we had just started and we were already gonna have to spend a period of time apart, even if it was small. Brad tried to keep it light, though as he helped me pack my remaining things.
"I gotta say, you look amazing in these." Brad smirked, holding a pair of my black briefs.
"Oh shush!" I chuckled, snatching them off him as I stuffed them in the little amount of room I had left in the suitcase.
"So... Are you excited to introduce me to your college mates?" Brad asked.
"Urrrrr... Not sure, honestly. I mean, you really don't need to meet them." I told him as I attempted to stuff my Mickey gloves into the case.
"Why not?" Brad asked.
"Because they're not like... You guys. And I don't mean like... Like they're a bit... Much." I tried to think of words that didn't make it sound like I hung around a bunch of strongly opinionated and hard-to-like people.
"You think I can't handle 'much'?" Brad chuckled.
"It's not that I think you can't handle it..." I sighed.
"James, I'll be fine. If I don't like 'em, I don't like 'em. But I won't think any less of you." Brad reasoned.
"God, I love you." I said before giving him a kiss.
"You're never gonna get those in." Brad commented on my Mickey gloves.
"Yes... I am..." I grunted, shutting the case on them. I did my best to squeeze it down as I began zipping it all up. "There... See?" I said, slightly smug, when I was done.
"James?" Brad pointed out the pile of shorts I had forgotten about, on my bed.
"Fuck." I cursed, making Brad giggle.

My Dad drove the car to the airport, all the while Brad and I were sat in the back, with him completely cuddling me. He kept kissing my head, as if trying to assure me. I knew I'd be okay and I knew I'd get over it quickly. But it was this initial fear of being on the other side of the planet to him. I knew I'd have to get used to it for when he went on tours, so I suppose this was a good way of dipping my toe in the water. We arrived at the airport and said goodbye to Tom and Kirstie, who were on a different, earlier flight. Then... It was our turn to board ours.
"Text me when you get there, okay? No, call me." Brad told me, embracing me. His arms were wrapped tightly around me, as mine were around him.
"The second I can, I will." I nodded.
"And when you get home." Brad added.
"I will."
"And text me when you're just about to board as well." Brad continued.
"I love you so much." I half laughed, leaning back so I could look him in the eyes.
"I love you too, darling. You've made this trip so magical." Brad told me, cradling my head with his hand.
"You made me feel... Like I wasn't alone... You made me feel like being me was enough... You've given me happiness." I confessed.
"Oh, baby." Brad said, teary eyed, giving me a quick kiss before another tight embrace. "You're gonna make your Mum cry." He half laughed, seeing her sniffle nearby. "Look at us. It's gonna be a few days, c'mon, we can handle that." Brad said, leaning back and slapping his own face, as if to stop himself from getting too emotional.
"You're right. I swear I'll be better when you go on tour." I half-lied.
"I dunno if I will be, but I'll try." Brad smiled before giving me a kiss. It was long and passionate. "Okay... I probably shouldn't make you late for your flight." Brad sighed, taking a step back, but keeping his hands in mine.
"Okay... I really, really love you." I told him.
"I love you too, darling." Brad smiled. I guess we decided to not say goodbye, rather than just... Say see ya later. I gripped the handle of my suitcase and just as I was turning around, he suddenly reached out and gripped my hand.
"Brad?" I frowned.
"One more kiss? Y'know, for the road?" He asked with the most innocent and cutest smile. I couldn't help but chuckle quietly before giving him another passionate but short kiss.
"See you soon, Bradley-Bear." I smiled.
"You too, J-Baby." Brad smiled back. He watched me go through into security and with one last wave, I left him. I could no longer see him. My heart felt like it plummeted.
"James that was really sweet. Were you really not happy before you met Brad?" Mum asked me, as we sat by the gate - Dad had gone to have a look around the nearby shops.
"I thought I was... But I realised it was a sorta... Fake happiness. But with Brad in my life it all feels so... So real." I admitted.
"It's definitely real. I've never seen Tom as happy as you are with any of his girlfriends... Even if it is just starting." Mum told me.
"I know we just started but... I just know we're in it for the end game." I explained.
"That's how I was like with Dad." Mum smiled. I kept forgetting that they were dating since they were like 14. I just nodded. I had never really spoken to Mum about relationships or anything - so this was all new territory for me.

It wasn't long before I was on the plane, on the way home. I flicked through the movies on the screen and saw Early Man was on there. Of course a movie The Vamps wrote a song for would be on my flight. I cracked a smile before putting it on. When I did hear the boys, I felt a wave of pride and warmth. A few hours in, the lights of the plane went off and my parents were asleep next to me. I ended up scrolling through my phone, looking at the different pictures of me and the boys altogether. I was so thankful that they were in my life. They were all so important to me.

It was a long fucking flight. I felt like I was going out of my mind, knowing I couldn't text Brad. I suppose listening to his music didn't help, but it was still driving me crazy. When we finally landed, I whipped out my phone faster than light.
'We've landed! I'll text you when I'm in the airport 😘' And even though it was 12am in Florida, Brad still texted me back.
'Oh goood! Oh James I hated not being able to speak to you 😩'
'So did I! How are you and the boys? All okay?'
'Yeah we're fine - how are you? How was the flight?'
'It was okay. Urgh, I gotta go for a bit but I'll text you ASAP!'
'Okay baby 😘'

As my parents went to pick up the luggage, I rang up my Bradley-Bear.
"Heyyy baby." He said and his voice made me feel like I was being swaddled in a warm blanket.
"Hey Brad... Ohhh I miss you already." I admitted.
"Awwwh I miss you too, cutie. Where are you?" He asked.
"In the airport. Mum and Dad are just getting the suitcases." I answered.
"Oh okay, how was your flight?"
"It was alright. Watched Early Man." I said with a smirk.
"Awwhahaha, really? You're so cute." Brad chuckled.
"I'm so proud of you." I beamed.
"Awwh thanks, baby. The boys say hi. I'd let them tell you that themselves but they're asleep." Brad told me.
"You should probably go to sleep too, Brad." I reasoned.
"No way. I'm not going to sleep till I know you're safe and sound at home." Brad promised me.
"Awwwwwwh! You're too sweet. But it's gonna be like an hour long drive." I told him.
"I know but it's okay. I'll manage it." Brad smiled.
"Awh Brad... I can't wait till you come back." I sighed.
"Me neither, baby. It'll be sooner than you think... Listen, um... I was thinking... Is it too soon to announce... You?" Brad asked, unsure.
"Oh, umm... Well I don't mind, Brad. You can do it whenever you feel is best." I assured him.
"Okay. I might do it this weekend, if that's alright?" Brad asked.
"Yeah, that's fine." I nodded. "How will you do it?"
"Might just post a pic of us both kissing." Brad shrugged.
"Awwh... That sounds good to me." I beamed.

We soon had to leave the airport. I texted Brad a lot in the car but ended up falling asleep from sheer exhaustion. When we were home, I gave him another call. Afterwards he went to bed and I ended up taking another nap. The holiday was over. The holiday with the Vamps was over... Now it was back to normal, regular life... Normal regular life with the Vamps... This should be fun.

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