Ch. 19

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There's more JinKook smut happening in this chapter, just a lil warning. Would you guys prefer Sope and Vmin, or TaeGi and JiHope? Make sure you comment!

Also, make sure you keep your eyes open because a new JinKook book will be publish soon.


Seokjin's POV

The last thing he had expected to happen was for Hoseok and Yoongi to show up at Jungkook's apartment, bright eyed and energetic carrying a familiar black bag. Yoongi was a mere flash of colour as he darted around the apartment, the excitement of a new environment seemingly going to his head. He motioned Hoseok in with a small smile, nervously glancing over at Jungkook was bent down and picking up the shards of glass his plate had shattered into. He wasn't sure why Jungkook had dropped his plate, but he was definitely concerned.

With the door closed, he quickly grabbed Yoongi under the arms as he tried to run past into the kitchen and lifted him up, hoisting him on his hip. Yoongi whined and squirmed a little, but didn't fight very much. The elder booped Yoongi's nose with a fond smile as he giggled in response. He caught Hoseok's stare and smiled at him, laughing when Hoseok quickly looked away.

Jungkook made his way into the kitchen, hands holding the broken glass. Yoongi wrapped his arms around the elder's neck and rested his cheek on his shoulder, babbling incomprehensible nonsense to no one in particular. He stood beside Jungkook as the younger washed his hands in the sink, the water suspiciously tinted pink. His brows furrowed in distaste when he noticed the cut in Jungkook's palm.

He sighed and pursed his lips, his stomach twisting in discomfort. He could imagine the sting of the wound, the pain that the slashed skin would cause and the overall injury that would take days to heal, if not weeks. Making sure Yoongi wasn't looking at the wound, he reached out with his free and gripped the back of Jungkook's shirt, concerned and uncomfortable at the same time. "Are you okay, Jungkook?" He questioned, eyeing the younger's expression that didn't seem bothered by cut in his palm.

"Hm? Oh. Yeah, I'm fine, baby." Seokjin nodded, but wasn't sure he entirely believed Jungkook's claim. He gave the younger's back what he hoped came out as a comforting pat before leaving the kitchen, for Yoongi's sake. He knew the little wouldn't react well to see a bloody cut.

Hoseok was sitting on the couch, messing around with a bunch of photos and a few papers with messy words scribbled in pen. There were a lot of red x's on the papers, which intrigued Seokjin. Yoongi began to squirm as they approached the busy looking male. He squirmed so much that Seokjin didn't have much of a choice to put him down. Once Yoongi's feet were on the ground, he tugged on Seokjin's shirt with wide eyes and his bottom lips stuck between his teeth. He looked at the anxiety ridden little in concern, cupping his face gently. It was strange for Yoongi to act like this and his behavior wasn't triggering anything for Seokjin; he didn't know what to do.

The little parted his lips, squirming where he stood as he pulled at the straps of his suspenders. "Eo- eomma, wan' Tae!" He whined, pouting as his brows furrowed. Seokjin sighed in relief; at least it wasn't anything too serious.

"Baby, Taehyung is probably at work. He can't- "

"No! Min Min wan' Tae! Please, Eomma? 'm promise to bwe gwood!" As tears welled up in Yoongi's eyes, Seokjin nearly began to panic. Since the younger didn't go out much, he had never had the problem of Yoongi wanting someone around when he was in little space. Yet here he was, begging for Taehyung to come over when he couldn't.

"I'm sorry, Min, but- "

"Can I try?"

Seokjin turned from Yoongi to Hoseok, who had left his papers on the couch to come over and help. He was a little nervous, but he was welcome to any thing that might help calm Yoongi down. He nodded and stepped aside, allowing Hoseok to crouch down in front of Yoongi.

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