Ch. 29

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Some of the comments on the last chapter had me wheezing XD

Y'all are hilarious

Thanks so much for reading!


Jungkook's POV

After crying his heart out in Chanyeol's arms, who was surprisingly good at comforting, and sleeping away his grief for at at least twelve hours, he had decided to go over to Seokjin's house and talk to him. He hadn't been sure it was a good idea, but he wanted to explain everything before he lost the elder for good, if he hadn't already. Chanyeol insisted she came with, saying that it was partly her fault because she had introduced herself as Jungkook's girlfriend in the first. Jungkook agreed and they piled into his car as quick as possible.

It was a little awkward being around Chanyeol after crying in her arms like a child. Child. He knew what had happened, but he hoped Chanyeol didn't. Little space. It had been so long Jungkook had barely realized it. One moment he was crying, the next he was crying and craving a stuffie to hold and talk to. To say the least, he had panicked and pinched his thigh hard enough that the pain brought him out of little space. What if she had noticed? Why wasn't she saying anything about it? He pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind; he had more important things to worry about, like the fact he needed to get his boyfriend back.

A quick rap of his knuckles on the door and his stomach was a pool of swirling anxiety, guilt, and shame. Chanyeol placed her hand on his lower back to comfort him and when Jungkook looked over at her, she gave him a reassuring smile. The door opened and his whole body tensed. There he stood, the man Jungkook had lost in a matter of minutes. Though he was different. Bruises covered nearly the entirety of his neck and bandages wrapped his hands.

Those weren't bruises on Seokjin's neck; they were hickies. He had given the elder his fair share of them and he knew what hickies looked like on his skin. Jungkook's jaw clenched when his eyes flickered over to where Taehyung sat in the kitchen, watching silently. Seokjin looked at him with wide eyes, but they soon narrowed with anger and his hands curled into fists. The elder wasn't sad, Jungkook realized, he was angry.

"Did you- " Jungkook briefly closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. "It doesn't matter. Will you please let me explain? It's not what you think, I promise. Chanyeol isn't my girlfriend, hyung. She's- "

Seokjin snorted and cut Jungkook off. "Oh, really? So you weren't sneaking around behind my back with her? While you were calling me 'baby'?" He pointed a finger at his own chest. "Tell me how long this has been going on."

Jungkook's brows furrowed in desperation and he reached out to grab Seokjin's hand, but the elder stepped back and out of his reach. Jungkook froze. He didn't want him to touch him. His chest stung with pain. "Okay, I admit it, I kind of was, but not in the way you're thinking. Chanyeol and I aren't together, technically. I never cheated on you . . . technically."

"What do you mean, technically? It's either you were, or you weren't!" Seokjin hissed, flexing his jaw visibly. Jungkook's concern grew when red started to blossom on Seokjin's bandaged hands.

"Hyung, it's a contract. My manager insisted it was a good idea that me and Chanyeol appear like a couple to my fans, because a picture of us kissing got leaked onto the internet. I did an interview denying it the same day, but it wasn't going to be enough. Chanyeol and I both signed the contract, but we're not actually together. It's fake, okay? And the only reason she was wearing my shirt that morning was because I invited her to stay the night and she had nothing to wear. Look, hyung, I even slept on the couch. Chanyeol was in my bed."

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