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SYN found her powers inept to aid in the removal or destruction of the Mind Stone and unable to stand aside, she joined the battle. The fallen that she could reach in time experienced her healing touch. Skin mended itself under her fingertips with a simple incantation that she'd learned a thousand years ago. Healed warriors rose only to fight again.

The waves of the enemy did not ebb but crashed down again and again like waves beating a rocky shore into submission.

In the center of the battlefield, the Bifrost opened and lightning rained down from the sky. Syn's force shields faltered for a quick second and something sharp caught her raised forearm. Blood ran down her arm. "Thor!" She screamed, tossing aside one of the outriders with a flick of her wrist.

The God of Thunder bounded forward, jumping high into the air then bringing down a newly forged ax onto the ground in a violent eruption of lighting. He threw the weapon from his hand and reached forward, resting his hand on her cheek, needing the reassurance that she was real.

Thor felt the corner of his lip tug upward.

He wasn't alone.

But then he thought of his brother and how he had clung to his motionless body as the Statesman was destroyed. Syn looked around Thor, expecting to see him there fighting too. He wasn't and suddenly dread filled her entire being. "Loki?" She asked, fearing the answer.

Thor shook his head. That served as her answer. She slipped down onto her knees, clutching her heart. Energy and light crackled in the air around her. Thor stepped back, catching Stormbringer and fended off any enemy that dare approach Syn in such a vulnerable time.

When the Goddess of Truth rose her eyes and skin fumed with blue smoke. The power that her father had taught her to keep hidden away was unleashed upon the world with a strangled cry. The wave of energy forced everyone within fifty feet to the ground.

Syn halted at the edge of a clearing in the trees. Thanos was on his knees, Stormbringer embedded within his chest and the golden gauntlet was warped and burned. "What did you do?!" Thor demanded, but Thanos was silent. The Space Stone came to life with a bright glow and behind the Titan, a portal opened. He was gone before anyone could stop the escape, leaving the ax in his wake.

"Thor?" Syn's voice was trembling as the remaining Avengers rose to their feet, unsure of what just happened.

Thor seized her shoulders after the Mad Titan had fled, he needed to keep her close. She was all he had left. "Syn." She looked up at him, shaking. Nearly all her energy had been spent. Her face was splattered with blood, a mixture of the invading army and her own. "What just happened?" Syn questioned, looking around. Something was amiss, but she couldn't describe what it was.

There was a strange sensation in her gut. "Thor," she breathed, tears starting to stream down her cheeks. Syn was afraid. She began shaking her head, the words that Thor was saying didn't quite register. "Something," her voice was breathless, "something's not right." Thor sank to his knees when hers gave way.

He had promised Loki that he'd protect her. That he'd keep her safe. The God of Thunder didn't want to be responsible for her death too. "Syn, stay with me." She met his mismatched gaze and knew his request wasn't possible. Syn lifted her hand to Thor's cheek.

The Goddess of Truth glanced down toward her boots, only her feet were no longer there and now her legs were fading, too. The strange thing was it didn't hurt. It only felt like a soft sting.

Thor's grip on her tunic tightened, a desperate attempt to keep her there with him. He didn't want to be alone again. "Syn, don't go." But she couldn't stop it and he was powerless to do anything. He could only watch. "NO!" He shouted as her weight vanished.

All that was left was the dust within his hands and the image of her frightened expression burned into his memory. He had lost his people. His home. His brother. And he had lost her, his closest friend.

Now he had truly lost everything.

The world was painted in golden hues of orange and red. Syn sat up and her lungs filled with air so quickly it was painful. Her clothes were soaked and clumps of silver hair clung to her face, but there was no water in sight.

She was not alone. There were others, hundreds upon hundreds waking up to confusion. All waking up to a strange new world that didn't feel real.

A few feet away from her was a boy, crying and clutching his hand against his chest, lying on his side. He wore an odd costume of red and blue. Syn moved toward him and finally sat down at his side. "Are you hurt?" She asked. He shook his head and forced himself to sit up. "What's your name?" Syn asked.

"Peter," he answered, voice quivering. His knees drawn up to his chest.

"I'm Syn," she replied.

He recognized that name. He'd read it in a mythology book. "You're Asgardian?" Syn nodded. "That means you know Thor?" She nodded again and hid the deep sadness that his memory brought. He had been pleading with her not to go, not to leave, but neither of them could stop what Thanos had set in motion.

"Will you help me find someone?" He asked.

Syn was unable to say no to the boy. "Who are you looking for?" She questioned.

"My Aunt May," Peter answered. Part of him hoped she was there, that way he wouldn't be alone, the other part hoped that she wasn't. He scratched the back of his neck and gave an unconvincing laugh to mask his sadness. "She'll kill me for not remembering the eggs."

She rose and extended her hand to Peter. Others had begun wandering around the emptiness, calling out names and hoping to hear a response. Peter started forward and she followed at his side.

Syn felt the hair on her neck rise. Chills spread over her skin. She looked over her shoulder but found there were only strangers surrounding her. Unnerved, the Goddess of Truth fell back into step at Peter's side. The sensation did not pass, it lingered around her.

Something cold brushed against her hand, then against her cheek and neck. There was a voice now too, low and smooth and hauntingly familiar, whispering at her ear. "Elskan mín."

Syn glanced around the strange world and could not find a familiar face but when she closed her eyes, he was there. Standing in front of her. The Goddess of Truth stopped in her tracks and wished her heart would stop trying to cheat her mind. Loki.

She turned and opened her eyes. Though, she did not quite believe what she was seeing. The breath left her body, and she collapsed onto her knees in tears. A cold hand brushed away a curl of silver hair and the tears trailing down her cheek. I'm here.

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