♡Chapter 11♡

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I woke up comfortably because its our day off today!!! And today is the day that Seohyun will introduce me her boyfriend Jeonwoo.

My phone beep suddenly i check who texted me and the contact name is.... Jinhwan ?

Jinhwan: Hi Gyuri your awake now?

I smiled because of his simple text yet cute. I can't believe Kim Jinhwan from iKON is texting me!

Me: Yep.. Why?

After i send it to him he quickly replied.

Jinhwan: I was wondering if we can hang out? All of the members are busy and headed to their families except me. My mom and sister is busy so...

I suddenly feel nervous... He's asking me out? Like a date? Wait no... He's just asking me out don't assume much Gyuri! But im supposed to meet Seohyun and Jeonwoo and i don't want to feel bad Jinhwan for not saying yes to him.

Me: What time tho??

Jinhwan: Maybe after lunch, 12 noon is that okay to you?

Seohyun and I will meet 10 am on the cafe so its okay i still have some time.

Me: Sure! Let's just meet at the cafe near the yg building! : )

Jinhwan: Okay.

I chuckled because of his sudden cold text. Well im used to it anyway. I headed to the bathroom to get showered and after i get showered i dressed up. Don't hate me but i always wear ripped jeans and tshirts. All of my clothes are jeans and tshirts theres no dress and skirts because im not comfortable wearing them and i cannot move freely.

Today im just going to wear ripped jeans and black tshirt and white sneakers and a cozy black jacket i also wear some beanie since its already winter. I brought an extra coat just in case.

When i arrived at the cafe i quickly saw Seohyun and Jeonwoo laughing while cuddling each other ugh this lovebirds i feel like i will be a third wheel today huh.

Seohyun smiled and waved at me when she saw me i smiled back to her and headed to where they are sitting.

"Am i late?" I said as i seated infront of them. Jeonwoo smiled and bowed to me and i smiled back and bowed to him too.

"Nope, we just arrived too anyways let's order! Its so freaking cold today" Seohyun said while still clinging to Jeonwoo beside her. I just shook my head ugh i can't contain too much sweetness infront of me.

"Did you bring hot packs babe?" Jeonwoo said.

"Yep! Its pretty cold outside i brought two for us" Seohyun said.

Crap.. I forgot to bring hot packs with me!! I'll just buy some in convenience store.

We call the waiter and ordered. I ordered cappuccino hazelnut my favorite as always.

When our ordered arrived i quickly blowed it and sip it. My body feels warm when i took a sip and its so relaxing and warm.

"So.. Uhm Gyuri you already know Jeonwoo right?" Seohyun said while sipping her coffee.

"Yep, i didn't know that you two will end up together. Jeonwoo is shy and Seohyun is kinda loud you two are kinda opposite but I'm surprised you two end up together" I said jokingly but Seohyun take it seriously that made her glare at me.

"Ya! I'm not loud!"

"Well you are right now" I said and laughed. Jeonwoo also laughed that made Seohyun quickly turn to Jeonwoo and he stop laughing quickly.

"You two are bullying me!" Seohyun said while pouting.

Jeonwoo put his hands around Seohyun's shoulder and kissed her on the cheeks that made Seohyun blushed and faided the grumpy face on her face. Oh god these two.. Too much in my eyes.

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