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Andrew's POV
I piggy backed her to the clinic which wasn't far from the waterfall but the pouring rain made it look like forever. I used a torn wrapper to cover her from the rain. Every moment I was shaking because Paige's condition was getting worse and I couldn't really do anything for her. I finally reached the clinic, I dropped Paige beside the door so I could go get a nurse. I carried the second wrapper I his in my singlet, luckily it wasn't really wet so I used it to cover her "I'll be right back" I said entering Tue clinic "excuse me ma, my friend-" "what do u want here kid, get out" the nurse I was talking to said shoving me aside and so did the rest of them. People see my kind of life as unlucky and a mistake and that's exactly how they are treating me right now. P needed help and no one was giving her that attention because she's a street kid and that annoyed the hell out of me. After several trials I went back to the door to look for p and check on her, luckily the rain had stopped but the weather was still very cold. I turned to face where I had dropped p and she wasn't there anymore sending shivers down every done in my body "p" I said turning around, my heart beat increased by each passing second, I promised I would protect her, what was I thinking when I left her here. "P" I shouted louder, I heard a door close from behind the building and I ran towards it, whosoever took p is not taking her without a death battle. Behind the building was a door, the upper part was transparent so I could see inside, someone was carrying p and wrapping her with a big white towel.
She is safe.
My racing heart finally claimed down.
Paige's POV
I took the last bite of my cake when the door of the room I was staying in opened. The nice nurse that helped me out of the rain yesterday came into the room "hey" she said smiling at me, she looked at my scraped off plate "sorry I was really hungry" I said embarrassed "oh its okay, you had a mild fever but luckily its all gone now. I've already called the foster agency and they would be here very soon. You won't have to live on the streets again, you're gonna have a new hone with children just like u" she said making her way back to the door as tears welled up in my eyes "I'll come back to check on you" she said and finally left. They were gonna take me to children jail, the thought of that made me to shiver "p, p come on" I heard Andrew's voice from behind me I turned and saw him I quickly stood up from the bed and went to the large glass window I pulled it up and stepped outside to meet Andrew, he grabbed me and hugged him and I started crying "Andrew they are gonna take me to children jail" I said in between sobs, he pulled me away from him and looked at me then he cleaned my tears "stop crying p, come on let's go" he said pointing at a ladder led to the ground floor.
Am afraid of heights "I can't" I said shifting back, my back making contact with the glass window "let's use the front door" I continued shaking "children jailers are already around" he replied "but I'm scared of heights" I replied "come on p, they would sperate us if we give them the chance" he said. That was the worst thing that could happen to me- being separated from Andrew. I mustered all the courage I had and walked to the ladder, I turned back to face Andrew as i took a step down "we'll buy ice cream on our way" he said smiling "okay fine" I said taking more steps down I looked down and all the fear I had came back "p" Andrew called out to me, I turned to look at him at the brick of crying "look at me, don't look down" he said smiling that made me to smile. He always did that, Andrew had a way of making all my fear disappear in a second. I took the last step and my feet touched the floor, within seconds Andrew was beside me, he grabbed my hand "let's go" he said as we started running
"Strawberry please" I said to the ice cream man, he handed it to me and I went back to our normal bench "Andrew" I said licking my ice cream "huh" "thank you" I said looking at him "always and forever p, I promise you" he said. I placed my head on his shoulder while licking my treat "this is our home p don't ever forget that, no matter what happens, always and forever is gonna exist" he said

Andrew's POV
I left Paige sleeping so I could surprise her with strawberries from the fruit store. "That's 20 cents" the fruit seller said and I gave him while returning my gaze back to the television. The soon to be mayor was on "...presently as I speak, my team and I in correlation with this city's best constructors and architect we'll be building a forest reserve by the waterfall. Our city is going higher..." I couldn't hear the remaining because my heart was racing. Those maniacs were gonna take p if they saw her there. I finally reached the house "p" I said entering inside the tent but she wasn't there. I felt a stubborn tear slide down my cheek, I couldn't leave her now, they can't take her from me. I heard a car starting from outside and I ran back outside. I found a black car outside, it was already leaving and my heart skipped two beats as I saw Paige's brown long hair behind the dark screen. Everything seem to have stopped as the car started moving and I ran after it calling P's name but she didn't turn. Now tears followed freely down my cheeks as the car finally disappeared, it disappeared with my best friend.
Paige's POV
I woke up to the sound of a car engine making heart jump.
Cars here meant they've found us.
I ran outside and bumped into a man making a call, he looked down at me then cut his call, fear gripped me to the spot.
where is Andrew.
The first thing that came to my mind was to run and that's what I did but I was never good at running, I had barely taken two steps when the man in suit I had earlier bumped into caught me. "Frank" he called out, I couldn't go to children's Gail now. Soft hands rested on my shoulder, I looked up to see a man, probably frank "take her to the car and drive to the office" the man in suit said making my heart skip a beat. I made another run for it but now frank caught me "let me go" I said struggling with him which was no use "Andrew" I screamed as frank carried me on his shoulder to the car. Where in heaven's sake was Andrew, why wasn't he at home when I woke up, where did he go to, why are these people taking me away and to where are they taking me to. More questions kept rampaging my head. "I want Andrew let go of me" I said as frank put me inside the car. Please tell me this is all a dream cause I badly wanna wake up. "Look kid whosoever Andrew is, he probably doesn't want you" the man in suit said "that's a lie, Andrew would never leave me, we made a promise" I said bringing out the necklace Andrew had given me on my fifth birthday. "Then why did he leave you, I mean you guy live here together" the man in suit continued, I kept quiet, not quite sure if I should answer him or not "face it kid he doesn't want you" the man in suit continued as he pressed his phone against his ear
    I cleaned my tears as the car stopped in front of a big building. I got out of the car, why did Andrew do that, I didn't do anything to upset him, another tear slid down my eyes when I remembered what he said to me yesterday, was that meant to be a "I don't want you anymore" warning. I've been trying very hard to not thing about that was racing in my mind since the man in suit talked to me.
Andrew didn't want me.
    We entered a room it was very large with white walls and a desk in the middle. The man that was competing with the former mayor was sited in front of the table "The uprising mayor" the man in suit said pocketing his phone "what is it Robert, my opponent is winning by 16 votes and who is that" Mr Michaelson- the man who was competing with the former mayor said pointing at me "this is your ticket to victory" Robert said placing his two hands on my shoulder making me go nervous. I had to admit, for an 8 year old girl, I do a lot of thinking. "I don't have times for games Robert so be fast" Michaelson said opening a glass bottle and pouring out its content in a glass cup, what were they gonna do to me. "Well I went to the land we bought for the forest reserve and I caught sight of this girl and  the first thing that came to my mind was street children" Robert said and I didn't like the sound of that, people always see street children as people that aren't wanted by their parents so we shouldn't be wanted by the society either and that sets me off. "You can adopt her, make her your own child and definitely even the local people will vote for you" Robert said."  Am not really found of children and am certainly not living with one" Michelson said pouring himself another drink "then take her aboard, London maybe" Robert replied "I don't wanna go anywhere, I want to go back home, let me go" I said struggling with Robert but he wouldn't budge "and who's gonna look after her there" Michelson said clearly ignoring my question. I wanted leaving Andrew behind, I'm very sure he has a good explanation for everything that is happening now. "I'll take her" the man who had earlier being with Robert said, I think his name is frank "I'll prepare the plane" Robert said walking me out "come on kiddo" frank said as he closed the door of the Michelson office "mister please can we go back to my home, Andrew wouldn't leave me, we made a promise its our always and forever" I said as frank bent down  to face me at eye level. "OK first am not mister, you can call me frank and am no expert in all these stuff but  am sure I know when someone isn't wanted and the only think that person can do is to move on, don't waste your time on people that don't want you" he said. I looked down at the necklace I was wearing,  the other half was with Andrew, it was in heart shape and had best on it, it was actually meant to be best friends forever, i carried half of the "friends" while Andrew had the rest  " can I go back to my old home before we go please" I said cleaning fresh tears form my cheeks "OK kiddo" frank replied.
     I looked around my old home everything was gone and Andrew was no where in sight.
He left me.
I ran back to frank and hugged his leg his I wasn't tall enough, Andrew left me, he broke our promise, he broke our always and forever. "Wanna go now" frank asked and I nodded never letting him go so he had to walk like that to the car.
     I couldn't stop crying even after Frank changed my shorts and s torn shirt into a dress and bought me two ice cream. The car came to a stop and frank helped me out of the car. flashes evaded me eyes making me to clamp my eye lids shut, frank somehow felt my distress and bent down in front of me "it's OK, its just the press" he said " frank  scared" I said opening my eyes the flashes had reduced "I know" he said as he tickled me making me laugh, this was literally the first time I
Was laughing today. Men in black suits wearing dark glasses covered us from the press as we entered the plane, I took a sit beside the window as the plane started taking off.

Authors note
By people, hope you like my resent update well the next chapter is what I think is gonna look like  Andrew, frank, and Paige in the next 10years please tell me what you think about it.
                          Love y'all

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