An Apology

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Michael's POV
You slam the door of your changing room behind you and take a deep breath. You feel dizzy, and your heart is beating fast. You cannot believe the last 3 minutes just happened - it feels like a confusing dream. Yet the details are all still there: the way Diana breathed in when you touched her cheek, her gaze as you moved close enough to let your bodies touch, the way her breath smelt like as her face was less than an inch away from yours. You can't believe you had gone that far - it had been so impulsive, you hadn't given it a second thought. Part of you wishes you had just nodded and smiled when she wrapped her arm around your back. You may be infatuated with her - love her, even - but can you really afford to lose her friendship? Diana, who has been the closest person in your life, save for your mother?

The door suddenly opens behind you, interrupting your frantic stream of thought. A young woman, presumably one of the studio's interns, peeks in.

"Michael, you're - oh, I hope this isn't a bad time, I just wanted to say that the limo will be here in 40 minutes. Do - do you need anything?"

She must have spotted the distress in your face. You give her a smile and say no thank you. As soon as she closes the door, you plop down onto the chair where you had been seated as the stylists worked on you earlier. You study your face on the mirror: you might be imagining it, but you can see a faint red stain on your lips, from Diana's lipstick. You close your eyes, trying to remember what her lips felt like, but the almost-kiss is too brief of a memory to recall.

After some time, the door opens again - don't people knock here? - and the same intern peeks in.

"Hi Michael, sorry to interrupt you again, but the limo is five minutes away."

"Alright, thanks."

Before she closes the door, you call her back.

"Wait! Is Diana Ross riding in the same limo?"

"Yes, I think so - and Quincy Jones too."

"Okay, thanks."

As soon as you are left alone again, a mild panic starts building in you. You can't attend the charity event - not after the stunt you had just pulled. Diana must hate your guts right now. What were you thinking? You get up suddenly and dash out of the room, running into Quincy along the corridor.

"Ah Michael, I was just coming to see you, great job-"

You interrupt his sentence and hug.
"Quincy, hey, I don't think I can make it to the charity event, I'm not feeling too good."

Quincy raises his eyebrows.

"You feeling sick?"

"Uh - something like that. Nothing too serious, I just need a bit of rest, is all."

He stares at you, half worried and half skeptical. Deciding not to prod further, he says:

"Okay, I'll let the others know and arrange for someone to pick you up. We'll have to leave in a couple of minutes with Diana though."

"That's alright, thanks Quincy."

Diana's POV
You grab the tin of almond cookies as you alight from the car, and make your way to the entrance of Michael's house. The house help, Tina, welcomes you in with a warm smile and directs you to the living room, offering you a glass of fresh pineapple juice. You oblige gratefully - the LA sun has been especially oppressive today morning - and Tina informs you that Michael will be down in just a moment.

You look around the room: you have been here a number of times before, but the immersive paintings and beautiful statues still draw you in. You are busy sipping the juice and staring at a oil painting of an african lion against a savannah backdrop when you hear someone enter the room.

"Diana! Hi!"

Michael looks surprised to see you, even though you had called in to tell him you would be dropping by. He is wearing light blue shorts and a plain pink T-shirt. You smile and walk over to him, giving him a hug. He wraps his hands around your waist, hesitantly at first, and then pulls you closer, as he had always done. He smells fresh - like he's just gotten out of a shower. The hug lingers for a bit longer and then you pull back and look him in the face.

"Sorry for the late notice, Michael - "

"No no, it's alright -"

"I just wanted to see if you were doing okay, after yesterday...Quincy told me you just needed a lie-down."

Michael nods. He untangles his arms from your waist and looks down at the floor.

"I'm really sorry for doing that. I didn't mean to cancel like that without telling you, I just..."

"It's alright Michael, I completely understand."

He looks at you for a moment, saying a silent thank you with his eyes. You grab the cookie tin from the table.

"I brought you almond cookies - are they still your favorite?"

Michael nods appreciatively as you hand over the tin. He shakes it and jokes:

"I am trying to watch my diet, but I can make an exception this time."

You both chuckle, and Michael suggests taking a walk in the garden. You make your way outside, walking side-by-side. You sit at the edge of the fountain, halfway facing each other.

The ivory statue of a female body at the center of the fountain shoots out water from the tips of her fingers and elevated left toes. You study the statue for a moment, and then turn back to face Michael. He is staring at you with an expression that is hard to read. He breaks the gaze and stares into the distance. You can tell he is trying to figure out the best way to say something. Guessing that this is about what happened yesterday, you decide to chime in first.

"Listen, Michael, about yesterday...I'm really sorry. I overreacted, I didn't mean to freak you out or anything."

Michael smiles softly, almost sadly and turns back to face you.

"I'm the one who came on to you. I should be the one apologizing."

Michael takes a deep breath and continues.

"You know I had a crush on you when I was a kid, and it's been a running joke in my family for a long time, but..I really do have feelings for you. I don't know if it's infatuation, admiration or love - I just know that I've never felt this strongly about anyone else. I really care about you, Diana - so much that it makes it hard to be around you sometimes."


"I'm sorry for putting it so bluntly. I don't expect anything in return, I really don't. I just had to tell you. Get it off my chest, kind of. I promise I won't try anything again."

Michael searches your face worriedly, as if looking for a sign of anger or rejection.

"I just don't want to lose you."

You feel that familiar flutter in your heart as his big brown eyes pierce into you. Taking his hands into yours, you say softly:

"You'll never lose me, Michael."

He leans forward and you wrap your arms around him. He buries his head in your left shoulder and sighs.

"Thank you, Diana."

You wonder if he can hear how fast your heart is beating. This is the most vulnerable Michael has ever been with you. You feel closer to him now than you ever have. You sit there with your arms wrapped around him for what feels like an eternity. You don't want to let go.

Michael Jackson and Diana Ross: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now