A Date to the Oscars

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Michael's POV
"Michael! The limo has arrived."

Tina's voice is almost drowned out by the loud music you are blasting in your room, but you still catch it. You shout back:

"Thanks Tina, I'm coming!"

You adjust your bow tie one more time and give yourself an up-down in the full-length mirror you are facing. The black pants were a bit too tight around the groin area, but they were your favorite pair - and they looked better than any other dress pants you had in your closet. You even out the non-existent creases on your black jacket, and wonder if you should have been a bit more adventurous with the color. But you figure that the Oscars are too formal to get away with any of the outfits you actually like. Your hair feels uncomfortably damp from all the curl-activation gel you've slathered on it, but you think it looks great, and really that's all that matters.

"Michael, they are here!"

You grab your wallet and stuff it in your front pocket - you're not sure you'll need it at the event, though - and rush downstairs. Tina compliments you on your outfit and you thank her as you run out the door, now feeling a bit less silly-looking. You hope Diana will hold the same sentiment.

The driver has a friendly face, but apart from a brief greeting, remains silent throughout the trip. You are thankful for this - you've never really enjoyed casual banter with strangers. Soon, you reach Diana's house, and as you pull up into the driveway, you spot her standing at the entrance, searching for something in her purse. She is wearing an off-shoulder polka dot type gown, with her thick hair styled down in her signature look. She looks great.

You step out of the limo and wave at her. She smiles widely when she spots you.

"There's my date!"

You grin, but secretly wish that you really were picking her up for a fancy dinner date in one of those high-end restaurants down the street.

She jogs lightly towards you and embraces you enthusiastically. She smells different today - she's replaced her usual vanilla perfume with a sweeter, more fruity scent. You give her a friendly peck on the cheek and open the door to the limo for her. She raises her eyebrows and says:

"Chivalry isn't dead after all!"

You chuckle and quip back:

"It's only because it's the Oscars."

The driver soon takes off, and Diana turns to you excitedly.

"It's my first time hosting! God, I hope I don't screw up, I've been practicing my lines like crazy."

"Well, there aren't that many lines though, are there?"


"I'm just messing with you: it'll go great! I'll be there cheering you along."

Diana squeezes your hands and smiles. She the launches into an excited rant about her visit to New York the previous weekend. The only times she gets this non-stop chatty is when she's has a bit to drink: you chuckle at the thought of Diana hosting the Oscars while tipsy.

Diana's POV
Michael is listening intently as you yap on about the trip to New York. You are sure your story is not interesting enough to keep his intrigue this much, so it amuses you how attentive he is being. He looks so dapper tonight: you imagine walking down the red carpet with him in one arm, and the thought makes you happy. You reach out and smoothen a stray hair on the left side of his head. Michael seems worried.

"Does it look a mess?"

You laugh.

"No, it looks great! You look great - I'm just glad I can get some eye candy on my arm on the red carpet."

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