Dear Teacher:Part 13

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Author's POV-------------------

Yuan,Junkai and Mrs.Wang are in the kitchen now. They already wore their apron. "Okay, Junkai, Yuanyuan. Let's start.  First, take a large pot and fill it with water. Done with the water, open the fire and boil it."Mrs.Wang said as she do everything she said back then.  Yuan And Junkai just watched her doing it.  "Hey. Both of you are just watching me making it? Don't want to help me?"Mrs. Wang mocked. They laughed awkwardly and scratched their back neck.  "How may us help you?"Junkai asked. 

Mrs.Wang grinned.  "In what way? In a way of helping me cooking or a way to make me happy?"Mrs.Wang asked,smirking.  Her smirk sent shiver to both of them.  "Um...  What do you mean?"Yuan asked,confused. "If you want to make me happy, you cuddle with Junkai. If you want to help me cook, come here now!"Mrs.Wang said teasingly, but actually mean it.  Junkai and Yuan trembled.  "Second choice!"Both of them yelled at the same time.  Mrs.Wang showed her sad face. 

"Aw..."She muttered.  Yuan quickly went to his mother's side and pretending to help her. "Hey! That's wrong!"She hit Yuan's hand. "Ouch... Ma~"Yuan cries out,didn't mind Junkai is there.  "Little kid. You still don't know how to do it even though you've watched me made it a lot of time! And you still call yourself my son.  How embarrassing!"Mrs.Wang said but actually doesn't mean it. "Hmph! So you aren't grateful that i'm your son?!"Yuan followed up with his mom's joke.  Mrs.Wang laughed.  

"Whatever my dearest son.  You're my only son. Of course i love you a lot! And i'm really grateful that You're my son!"She said as she chuckled. Junkai just continue Watching Yuan's interact with Mrs.Wang with a smile that never fade from his face. "Wei, Wang Junkai. Only stand there? Come here and help us!"Yuan yelled, making Junkai realized.  "A-ah."

"Okay, kids! Now, you need to put chicken carcasses, salt, and pepper in it. Next, reduce the heat to low and simmer it about...  1½ hours."Mrs. Wang said.  "Ma! That's so long!! Can't we make it short?"Yuan asked.  Mrs.Wang chuckled.  "No. Sadly.. We can't. I forgot about this. Huff..  Sorry kids. Seems like we will be eating late today."Mrs.Wang sighed.  "Oh yeah, Yuanyuan, please inform Cheng Xin, we will eat dinner late today."Mrs.Wang said.  

Yuan raised his hand.  "Cheng Xin said... Maybe he can't eat dinner with us today. He has a 'date' with his college friends."Yuan said. Mrs.Wang sighed. "That's a pity.."Mrs.Wang blinked. She suddenly remembered a few games. "Yuanyuan, Junkai. What about we play some games while waiting?"Mrs.Wang said as she secretly grinned. Yuan was the first to shouts.   "Let's play! Let's play!"He shouted excitedly.  Mrs.Wang couldn't hold back her grin anymore. She grinned as she asked Yuan for a piece of paper. She cut it into a small pieces and passed it to Yuan and Junkai.  "Write a challenge on each paper."She said as she smiled. 

Yuan felt uneasy about this. "Why do i feel uneasy?"He mumbled. He shook off his thoughts as he started to write the challenges. It's becomes silent when everyone started to pick up their ball pen. Junkai thought for a while, Yuan has no idea but is only thinking to trick Junkai. While Mrs.Wang is grinning. 

After 10 minutes has passed..  All of them had finally done. "Let's play rock, paper, scissor!"Mrs.Wang said.  "Rock, paper, scissor!"Mrs.Wang let out a Rock,Junkai let out  a Scissor and Yuan let out a Rock. "JUNKAI IS THE LAST ONE! YES!!"Yuan yelled in excitement. Junkai rolled his eyes, seeing Yuan's childish behavior.  "Yes. Yes. My dear teacher, i'm the last one."Junkai said, giving in. Yuan laughed. Mrs.Wang grinned. "Heh, i bet these two will be a couple one day."Mrs.Wang already imagined when there's one day, Yuan and Junkai become a couple.  

"Ma! Hurry up! Rock,paper, scissor!"Yuan yelled, trying to pull his mom back to reality.  "Ah! Yes. Yes. My dear."Mrs.Wang said as they played rock, paper and scissor once again. This time, Mrs.Wang lost. "Yay! I'm the most awesome!"Yuan said as he stuck out his tongue to Junkai. Junkai rolled his eyes as if he's saying,'like i care.'Yuan pouted, knowing Junkai doesn't even care about his awesomeness. "Hahaha. Okay, kids. Shall we start playing? Yuanyuan, i've folded and mixed all of the challenges, you need to pick one of it and read it. After that, do that challenge."Mrs.Wang explained. 

Yuan nodded as he picked up one of the paper. "Don't open it yet! Wait until all of us got our challenge."She added. Yuan nodded once again, holding his paper tightly. Mrs.Wang picked up one of it randomly followed by Junkai.  "Okay!Unfold your paper!!"Mrs.Wang said excitedly. They unfolded their paper. Yuan gasped, Junkai gasped, Mrs.Wang smiled.  

"I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!!!"Yuan and Junkai yelled in the same time. 


HELLO!! Thank you for reading and i'm sorry if it was suck. I'm sorry i've been taking a long time to update my stories. By the way, the game was inspired from my friend. We played this in the class and it was so fun. So? What's the challenge they got?, haha, one way to know. wait for the next chapter~Okay, i think that's all i want to say... So... See you in the next chapter! Please be patient for the next chapter(s)! KaiYuan forever! Bye bye!! 

Dear Teacher. (KaiYuan) (Karroy)Where stories live. Discover now