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it had been a long month for Sal. he was lonely and desperately waiting for Larry to come home. see, his boyfriend had been taking on a trip with his class. they'd flown to Washington for a field trip, thankfully Larry managed to convince someone Travis had to go with them, but it left Sal bored and lonely. so when Lisa, Larry's mom, go the notice they were almost to the airport, she invited Sal to come with her and pick Larry up, knowing her sons boyfriend had missed him dearly. Sal had been ecstatic. that was two hours ago and he was still waiting, bouncing on the balls of his feet, since his feet were starting to hurt. he saw Lisa jump up from her chair as a plane landed.

"thats Larry's." Lisa said. Sal picked up the sign Lisa had made and held it up, until he saw him in the crowd. Larry hadn't spotted him and Lisa hadn't spotted Larry, but Sal had. he dropped the sign and took off running. Lisa was confused until she spotted Larry. in a flash, she pulled out her phone, she was going to get this on camera. whatever was going to happen, was going to be cute. Lisa could see Sal ducking around people, which wasn't hard considering his height. Sal ran as fast as he could, dodging out of people's way until he was almost to Larry. Larry looked up from his phone and paused in his walking. a grin broke out on his face and his bags were dropped carelessly. Sal jumped up and hugged Larry as tightly as he could, arms and legs wrapped around his taller boyfriend as if afraid he'd disappear. Larry was quick to hold him, even as Sal pushed his mask up slightly and kissed him. Larry chuckled and kissed him back. it lasted for a minute before Sal pulled back and Larry put him down.

"I fucking love you." Sal muttered. Larry chuckled resting his forehead against Sal's.

"I love you too Sally." Larry smiled. he looked around. "my mom here?" Larry ask.

"yeah she's over there." Sal replied, fixing his mask. he helped Larry grab his stuff and they made their way over to her. Larry hugged his mom tightly and chuckled softly.

"I missed you guys." Larry muttered, pulling Sal close with his free arm. Lisa was too busy holding Larry to notice. as the separated and headed to the car, none noticed the spectators watching them.


Larry had been home three day's when either of them had seen the video. it wasn't hard to notice it either. they had several different angles. it turned out, his mother hadn't been the only one to notice Sal and four other people had filmed it. it looked like they hadn't meant to film it at first but once they noticed something was going on, they turned their attention away from their own pick up and watched Sal and Larry. now the video had become viral, looking for the two boys who ignored the rest of the airport for each other. they had first seen Ashley watching it and Larry assumed his mother had posted the video, but Sal soon realized it was from the wrong angle. Larry's mother had been standing in front of them, not off to the side. by the time they got home, it was on the news as the fastest viral video in their town. Sal blushed darkly.

"I didn't realize anyone was recording!" Sal muttered. Larry grinned and pulled Sal to him.

"it's cute." Larry chuckled. Sal huffed.

"maybe for you, but not so much from this angle. everyone at school has seen that." Sal muttered.

"I'll deal with the people at school." Larry assured him. "we should go on tv." Larry said. Sal froze.

"what? no!" Sal shouted. just the thought was making his anxiety act up. Larry pulled him close and quickly soothed him.

"relax Sal. it would only be once. besides, look at those video's. the people who recorded them are probably curious about us now." Larry said.

"I get nervous enough at school." Sal muttered. Larry dropped the subject, but little did either of them know, that wouldn't be the last of it.


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