12- Lovesick

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          "Elise....?! Are you okay?!" He asked as he helped me sit up. Once he sat in front of me on the bed, tears burst out of my eyes and I fell against his chest. He didn't say a word and just patted my back. Before we knew it, Chan and Hyunjin burst into the room. "What happened?!" Hyunjin questioned as they made their way towards me.

"She had a nightmare." Felix replies calmly as he still patted my back to try to comfort me. "Elise? Are you okay?" Chan asked as he kneeled down to my level. "I'm fine!" I wale as my arms automatically wrap around Felix.

They all stood there with no sense on what to do. Felix kept patting my back while Hyunjin and Chan stared at each other with blank expressions. "What are you guys doing?!" Felix hissed. "Go!" Without another word, both Hyunjin and Chan scurried out of the room.

"I'll also give you some time alone." He said as he released himself from my embrace. "Wait!" I gripped his shirt. "I don't want to be alone...." I whispered. He just sighed and looked down at me. "I have to go cook because Hyunjin and Chan are going to burn down the house or we might get food poisoning if I let them cook." A smile automatically crossed my face as a small laugh escaped my lips.

"You'll be fine by yourself!" He finally said as he broke my grip from his shirt. "I'll call when the food is ready." He laughed as he walked across and out of the room. Once he closed the door behind him, I sighed as the same smile was still plastered on my face. "I love food!" I sighed heavily as I fell back onto the bed.


"Elise!" Chan shouted. "Food!" Without another second to spare, I bolted out of the bedroom and slid into the kitchen with a big smile. The three boys looked at each other then to me as I quickly sat in the chair looking at all the food that was laid out on the table. "Food!!!!" I smiled.

Hyunjin snorted as Chan just burst out laughing. "Go ahead and eat if you're that hungry." Felix sighed tiredly. "You should go to bed Felix. All the taking care of and cooking you done must've made you really tired." Hyunjin said as he shooed Felix to the bedroom. "I'm too tired to eat anyways....I'll just go to sleep...." He yawned as he walked into the bedroom. "Goodnight mom!" Chan shouted as he started digging into the food. "If you ever call me that again I'm gonna use my ninja star on you!" Felix threatens as he completely closed the door. "Okay mo-" Chan started but Hyunjin quickly stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth. "Shut it Chan!" He hissed. I just chuckled as they started to argue about random things and ideas.

"What do you think about flying squirrels Elise?!" Chan asked as he stuffed his mouth with food. "Flying squirrels? How did we get to this topic?!" I laughed. "Cause I saw one outside." He choked on his food as he pointed out the window behind me. "I think you mean 'jumping squirrels'! Not 'flying' squirrels!" Hyunjin sighed as he shook his head in disappointment at the very dumbfounded Chan.

"That's what I said!" Chan huffed as he crossed his arms. "You're so childish!" Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Look who's talking with the princess underwear!" Chan argues back. "How about the guy who still sleeps with his baby blanket and sucks on his old pacifier!" Hyunjin stood up. "Well what about the guy who-"

"Stop it you two! I really don't want to know about your underwear or your old pacifier!" I shouted. They both looked at me dumbfounded. Without another word, they both sat down and started to stuff their mouths with food once again.

After the awkward silent dinner, I decided to clean up as the other two passed out on the couch for the night. As I finished up the dishes, I walked over to the two guys and laid blankets on them before I went back into Felix's room.

As I walked in, I saw Felix silently sleeping on his bed. "I guess he was too tired to comprehend where he was sleeping." I sighed. I walked over to the blankets on the ground and laid out all the blankets ready to go to bed when Felix started to move around in discomfort.

"Chaya....No..." He sleepily whispers. I get up and sat beside him on the bed. "Felix?" I shook his shoulder but he was still fast asleep. "Chaya...." He repeats and continued moving in discomfort. "I'm cold..." He whispers as he gripped the blankets. I placed my hand on his forehead and was taken back as he was burning up. I quickly rush to the bathroom and soaked a towel in cold water and quickly rush back.

Felix winced as I placed the towel on his forehead. "You'll be okay." I assured him. He finally gets comfortable and finally sleeps in comfort. I yawned tiredly as I take the towel off his forehead.

"Goodnight Felix." I yawned again as I slip down to the blankets beside the bed. Before I could remove my arm from the bed, a sudden hand grabbed my arm and pulls me up to sit on the bed. Felix slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me. "Chaya....I'm sorry..." He sadly whispers as he pulled me down towards him. He lifted both his hands and cupped my face as he pulled me down even closer and met my lips with his under his mask.

I sat there in shock at his sudden affection. I pulled away first and he lets go, but then he pulls me down into his arms. He embraced me tightly as he slowly drifted to sleep again. "Please stay with me Chaya...." He lastly says as he finally falls fast asleep. I wanted to escape from this situation but I was also afraid of waking him up again. So I just laid there between his arms with my head against his chest.

It was awkward since I never felt this strange affection towards me before. Soon I forgot all about the awkwardness and felt myself drifting off to sleep. "Who is Chaya?" I asked myself before I fell fast asleep in Felix's arms.

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