13- Stay

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I slowly opened my eyes as my body heat was boiling over. As I slowly started getting my senses back, I still found myself in Felix's arms. Something inside me felt even warmer besides my body heat. I closed my eyes and carefully slipped out from Felix's arms. "I can't let my emotions get in the way of my revenge." I said to myself as I quietly scurried out of the room.

Once I walked into the living room, I was greeted by loud snoring from the two boys cuddling on the couch. I snorted in amusement as they held each other for warmth. The sun was peaking between the trees as the clock read 7 in the morning. "Felix only said not to go at night." I thought to myself. I small smile crept on my face as I slipped on my shoes and sneaked out of the house.

The sun was now almost up as I walked on the dented trail through the forest. The birds were singing happily and the squirrels were scurrying around the ground looking for some acorns to bury. As I continued walking, my ears suddenly perked up to a distant sound behind me.

I stopped in my tracks and listened as I heard a twig snap. I turned around but only saw the trail that I been walking on. I continued walking on with high alert. My eyes darted to the left then to the right but I still saw nothing. I took light steps, trying to be as quiet as I can but suddenly, quick footsteps started running towards me.

I darted forward without looking back, I ran as fast as I could down the trail until my ears perked up to another sound. The bushes in front me rustled as someone was moving in it, but it was completely still. Before I could make it towards the bushes, someone violently pulled me to the side into other densely bushes. They quickly cover my mouth, preventing me from screaming out for help.

"Shhhh....it's me!" They whispered behind my ear. I stopped moving and turned around to meet the masked Felix and his sharp eyes. He was all drsssed in black and seemed to have gotten better overnight.

He quickly reverted his eyes back to the trail just to see a black figure run by, but the black figure suddenly stopped at the bushes where I heard the rustling. He ripped the vines and bushes away to reveal a young girl a few years younger than me.

She looked at the black figure terrified. The black figure smirked under his mask and then pulled out a gun from his jacket. "N-" I shrieked but Felix quickly covered my mouth before anything else came out. He pulled me closer to him which made me lose my balance and step back on a twig which resulted in a loud snap.

The black figure shot his head towards our direction and turned the gun from the young girl to us! He took a few steps closer until he pulled back the trigger and took a shot at us.

Felix pushed us to the side just in time for me to miss the bullet. But the bullet brushed against Felix's arm as he hovered over me on the ground. He showed no expression that he was hurt, only the blood that was now running down his arm showed he was injured. He shot up and out onto the trail, facing the black figure that was about a hundred feet away.

The black figure smirked under his mask as he saw the blood dripping from Felix's fingertips. "Who are you?" Felix commanded. The black figure didn't say a word and just shrugged. Before Felix could do anything else, the black figure grabbed the young girl by the shirt and wrapped his arm around her neck. "Come any closer and I'll kill her!" His low, raspy voice echoed as he pointed the gun to her head.

Felix looked at him and the girl with no expression. "Go ahead....kill her!" Felix smirked. The black figure raised an eyebrow in confusion as he never let go of Felix's gaze. "Go! Shoot her!" Felix commanded. "No!" I whispered. The black figure suddenly smiled and lowered the gun. "If I shoot this girl it wouldn't hurt you, will it? But how about the girl in the bushes over there?" He suddenly aimed over to me.

Felix gripped his hands into a fist as he kept looking at the black figure. "Ahhhh.....so the girl hiding in the bushes is special to you!" The black figure laughed. "You should never show your weakness." He smirked as he pulled back the trigger. Felix suddenly laughed out loud and clapped his hands together. "She's not my weakness." He smiled, but he quickly turned serious again.

"She's my strength!"

In a flash of light, Felix pulled out a ninja star from his jacket and threw it towards the black figure. It flew through the air and managed to cut the side of the black figure's arm.

He shouted out as he dropped his weapon and grabbed his injured arm. He looked at Felix with flames of anger and determination in his eyes. Without another word, the black figure grabbed his weapon and ran to the side and into the forest. His footsteps echoing behind.

I quickly run out of my hiding spot and stand beside Felix. The young girl dropped to her knees and began to cry. We didn't know what to do until my feet moved myself to sit beside her. "How did you get out here?" I asked as I put my arm around her. She looked up with puffy and exhausted eyes.

"I was trying to find my run away dog and ended up getting lost." She wailed. I turned her towards me and helped her up. "You're okay now, we'll help you find your dog." I assured her as I hugged her for comfort. "Thank you!" She smiled as she pulled away.

She leaned in again and hugged me. "And I'm sorry Elise...." She whispered in my ear. "Wh-" Before I could comprehend what she just said, I felt a sudden jolt in my abdomen and blood gushed out. "Elise!!!" Felix shouted as he ran towards us. I looked down to see her have a pocket knife stuck in my stomach area. Then she twisted the knife and yanked it out and quickly stabbed me again before fleeing into the forest.

I grabbed my side and dropped to the ground. "Elise!!!" Felix slid to the ground and hovered over me. He quickly took off his jacket and put it on my wound. I winced as he put more pressure on my injury to try to stop the bleeding.

I gasped for more air but it slowly started to fail. "F-Felix....I-I'm scared...." I gasped. "It's going to be okay! I'm here! I'm here with you!" He frantically said. This was the first time I ever saw him scared. He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Hyunjin! Elise is badly hurt! Get over here with the car!" He quickly hung up and looked back down on me. "Felix....Do I get...to see....my parents again?" I questioned weakly. "No! You can't! I refuse you to go see your parents! I refuse!" He shouted as I saw a tear fall from his eye.

"Stay with me!"

Masked Killer||Felix-StrayKidsWhere stories live. Discover now