Rock & Roll Thugs

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Over in the side bar is a picture of Alex. Enojy. :) ~Wasted

I’ve been planning this trip for months on end, making sure I had everything I needed and now, after four months of waiting I was standing outside Vans Warped Tour 2019. I’ve been in line for what seems like hours and the line just recently has started moving. My mind was on over-drive and my body seemed restless. In front of me I could see security standing at the bag checking tables and became even more anxious. As I reached the tables I handed the security guard my bag and watched her check it, “Okay you’re good to go, take this water you’ll need it.” I thanked her and walked past her to the gates where we would actually get in. I smiled as I stood in line, waiting to get in, I could see several people in the parkway with colorful hair or a Mohawk. All around me I could hear everyone talking about who they were going to see or even talking to their best friend, some with their boyfriends or girlfriends. I hurriedly handed the guard my ticket and waited for him to hand it back. As soon as the returned ticket was in my hand I was gone walking around looking for a tent that would sell a map and found one a little past the Vans tent. I kept that in mind and went over to the Rise Records tent and looked at all the different shirts and CD’s they had, spotting an Of Mice & Men tank top and another t-shirt. I walked closer to the tent waiting for the guy that was there to finish up the people he was helping and told him I wanted the two shirts in medium. I had less than an hour to find everything else I wanted to buy and go back out to my car to get my press pass to take pictures in the pit of the bands. I went over to the Vans tent and bought the official tour CD and then made my way over to the tent that had the maps. After leaving the park grounds I could hear bands starting to warm up to play. Jogging back to my truck I grabbed my press pass along with my phone and saw I had a missed call from my brother and decided to call him back, “Hey, took you long enough to call. I’m out by the Journey’s stage, I’m not sure when anything is going on.” I chuckled slightly and Xavier’s unknowingness, “Okay well I just made it out to my car to grab my press pass. Do I need to stop by your car and grab yours as well?” “No I’ve got it on me that’s how I got in. just come meet me by the Journey’s stage.” I grabbed a highlighter and closed my car door locking it, “Okay I’ll be there in a few minutes.” I hung up and ran back to the venue showing security my pass and made my way over to the Journey’s tent where I saw my brother standing with his phone in hand and smiled wide, “Ugh, it’s been forever since I’ve seen Mr. California.” I could hear my brother snort, “Not that long, you got the list?” “Yeah I was able to get the times too.” I pulled out the paper with stage times on it and my highlighter and highlighted each band we were aiming to get pictures of. “I can’t thank you enough for helping me with all of this Xavier.” He smiled and looked over my shoulder at the list, “Even if you didn’t need help Alex I would have been here.  Okay so there’s a few different stages to go to.” I nodded, “Yeah there’s like six of them.” I pulled out the map I bought a little while ago and held it next to the list of bands, highlighting the stages the bands where at. Okay so it looks like if you go and do this side of the grounds you could get these three stages and be able to get pictures of signings over there as well.” I said motioning to the south side of the park.  “I’ll take this side and get as many bands and signing’s.” “You know it would be a whole lot easier to do all of this if you had a friend to help,” a voice behind me said. I turned around and smiled wide, “You came!” Faith laughed, “Of course I did, everyone needs a little bit of Faith in their day.” I laughed, “Okay please tell me you got the pass I sent you?” “Yep-o’s right here,” She said waving it in front of me. “Good okay so we’ve gone through already and there are six stages we need to cover.” She nodded and walked over by Xavier and smiled at him and looked down at the paper was holding. “Okay so Xavier here can cover these two stages at the very south end. You can cover the two at the very north end and I will cover these two in the middle.” I nodded and looked at the paper with the times. Okay so I’ve got a few hours until I have to start so I’m going to go around see if I can get some pictures at signings, and Faith it looks like you’ve got a few hours as well, so that gives you enough time to run out to my car with me so we can grab the rest of our stuff. Including my other camera for you to use. Xavier it looks like you’ve got about 10 minutes to get over to the Monster stage to start taking pictures so let me and Faith take some pictures of the times and then you can keep the paper and the map and I will just buy myself and Faith our own.” Xavier nodded and held the paper flat against the side of a speaker, while Faith and I took pictures of it. I smiled, “Okay Xavier leave before you are late. Whenever you get a break call me and we’ll get you the rest of your gear.” “Okay sis, don’t hurt yourself, be safe, and don’t trust strangers.” I laughed even more, “Yeah, yeah, yeah just go!” He picked back up his camera and the map and timings then jogged off and Faith yelled after him, “Dude! You need your pass ya know!” I could see him shake his head and turn around and run back to us, “Thank you Faithful!” he kissed her cheek and ran back off the other direction toward the Monster stage.  “Okay Missy Faith lets go get our stuff so we can get started.” She nodded chuckled, “This reminds me of the ‘This Is A Wasteland’ tour.” I laughed knowing what she meant, “I’m so excited,” I said mocking Vic’s voice. And we both laughed and headed off to my car. As we passed by security I was able to spot some band members and picked my camera up off my neck zooming in and snapping a few pictures of them and smiled walking back out past the gates and made it to my car with Faith shortly behind. “Okay so here is the camera for you,” I said as I pulled the camera out of the back of my car. Along with my big 7500 lens and my bag with my two other lens in it. I went around to the trunk and popped it open pulling out my money maker shoulder straps and both of my tripods. I handed Faith the tripod for her camera and slipped on my money maker and clipped the tripod and 7500 lens onto it and looked at Faith, “Need some help?” She looked up from trying to put the lens on the camera and sighed, “Yeah. I’m not used to your camera.” I chuckled and grabbed it from her and looked at the connection, “Well first of all, I gave you the wrong lens. Here hold them for a second while I grab you the right lens.” I leaned in the back of my car and pulled out my other camera bag and pulled out my other bag with the lenses in it. Opening the bag I searched through it finding two different lenses for her camera, “Here try this one. It should get you though.” She grabbed the lens from my hand and attached it taking off the lens cover raising it up to take a picture to test and put it back down. “I would have to say this one needs to be repaired. It’s not zooming.” I sighed, “Yes that would explain the other lens in here.” She sighed and detached the lens handing it back to me as I handed her the other lens. I watched as she lifted the camera up fixing the focus and snapping a picture then a few more going back and looking at them, “Okay to this lens works, I need you to set it over to multi-take picture mode thing.” I laughed and grabbed the camera and switched the capture mode over and handed it back. “Would you like a neck strap? I’ve got a few to spare.” “Yes please this thing will kill my arm if I don’t have one” I laughed handing her one of the straps and grabbed my own along with my lens bag and my brothers money maker that he had left at my house. “Would you mind carrying my brother’s things for me?” “Sure hand it over.” I watched as she took the camera strap off from around her neck and set in on the seat inside the camera grabbing the money maker and putting it on and then handed her Xavier’s tripod and his 7400 lens as well and watched her clip them on and then pick the camera back up pulling the strap back over her neck. “Okay that’s it lets go.” Faith nodded and we made our way back to the parkway as my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the text on the screen. Xavier: I just got done with the first set, I’ve got about 10 minutes till the next one.  I chuckled and texted back. Alexandra: Okay well Faith has your stuff from my car. I’ll have her meet you at the Ernie Ball Stage.  “Hey Faith you need to go meet Xavier over by the Ernie Ball stage. He’s got a small break and he needs his tripod for the next set.” “Okay,” she leaned over and hugged me tight, “See you later tonight.” I smiled, “Yeah just hurry I don’t want to miss anything.” She rolled her eyes and jogged off toward the stage to meet Xavier and I turn making my way down to the Electric Kia Soul stage to take pictures of Icon For Hire.

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